Chapter Sixty Three

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Nathanial Winters

A few hours later I stood leaning on the railing of the foredeck staring over the sea, I had wanted to take them out just far enough that someone would have to actively seek out us, and getting anywhere near us would be difficult.

Not just because of the security team on board but also that I was purposely putting all of us in a place that one would clearly be coming towards us since I had avoided all major routes other people used to get to places.

I had also been watching all of them explore the boat and its vast interior with little to no qualms about being in the way of my staff, though when they had told me who it was I wasn't in the least surprised.

Standing listening to the wind I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see Scarlett walking towards me.

"What is it about the ocean that you like so much?" she asks.

"Its serene, and I think it's interesting that something so beautiful can be so unpredictable, and dangerous. The ocean terrifies me as much as it draws me in" I reply looking back out onto the water.

"Sounds like its a draw and pull type of thing for you" Scarlett says.

"In a way it kinda is I know what the ocean can do I've seen it but I also love being out here, and feeling connected to it. One thing my dad has said to me is that no matter how much money he had he loved being by the ocean and actually getting to see what the world was like" I say with a soft smile remembering all the places he had taken me as a kid.

I still admired him even though I knew the dark history he had, if anything I actually respected him more because after that it all made sense to me, the security, the push to build a new name for the Winters Family. The unwavering dedication to his family and separating himself from the wealth he had aquired.

He wasn't a quiter and I wanted to be like that I looked at the fact that even if he was depressed he still went to the gym everyday, he still worked on becoming one of the top CEO's of the entire State.

I had also seen how much he gave away, there were full charities that he would like to attend and I've seen him take live auctions while working and buying art for ridiculous prices because he knew that money was going to someone or something that deserved that money more then he did.

I also envied the fact that that man had built so much. Winters Group had a smeared reputation and then came along my nineteen year old dad who completely deconstructed the symbol of a fallen era, only to come out six years later as the top of the business world. I envied that he had that level of respect and it was something I hoped I could do but I would never have to tear apart WGI. I could only expand all the decades of work my parents put into building a company that large.

"What are you thinking about?" Scarlett asks and I turn to look at her with a soft smile.

"Just what I might do to make Winters Group defined by me because I'll be taking over as the third generation of that business" I reply with a sigh.

"Remember you aren't supposed to feel pressure about it, in fact I thought you'd be using this time to relax and not stress about something that will be happening in over a year" she stresses giving me a look that said 'don't worry please'.

"It'll be half a century old by then, for fifty years the Winters Family has been silently pulling the strings in an increasingly large circle around the world" I state pausing to look at her.

"Remember Winters Group is a major benefactor to Louviere Financial, yes it was paid out years ago but still, no one would know that Winters Group was the one puppeteering the world stage for business to make sure things happened how my parents wanted them to go" I add, "that's the kind of power I will be stepping into the shoes of a world wide blanket and in the middle is a company most people know the name of but wouldn't realize was actually that large".

It was true Winters Group International was publicly not that large as it was a private company and part of the agreement with the government was to have a highly censored file on the scale of WGI because this country was a plutacracy and the people who knew these kinds of things either were on payroll or such close friends to my parents that no one would dare open their mouths.

Everyone sees the wolf but not the viper in the grass.

No wonder the Stock Market is what most people believe makes money in New York when most lots on Wall Street are being rented and put into the coffers at WGI's many banks and share holding files around the world.

Something I'd asked for was to get familiar with Winters Group but I didn't expect to learn so much though I suppose my family had a dark past for getting their wealth throw several wars then trying to hide it so I should have expected that, hell my great great grandmother was alive when Germany was recovering from World War One and Henry Winters whose family is originally German was a meticulous planner so I guess that got passed down. But despite all of it my family had built an empire on a very dark foundation, because he had made his wealth from making war machines.

And that had just meant another person this family lost.

All the most powerful members of this family died it was just how it worked all of them were either killed or condemed. I never got to meet my grandparents and their parents were dead. They were the lucky ones though they never were the direct target but this families sad history surrounded them and I can only imagine the damage that had done to them as people.

I just didn't want it to continue anymore but I knew the very few industries that WGI hadn't touched under my dad and in a way I was grateful but there was one that I had noticed he'd specifically avoided and that had been the productions of weapons.

I guess the past left scars on the living.

"Nathan you know your parents don't expect you to match them, your dad certainly doesn't so do what you wish but don't try and drown yourself in this blinding light expectation. You being confident and keeping that intact should be your goal with taking over. Not outdoing your parents" Scarlett presses.

"Of course you keep me rational" I laugh looking down at the brunette beside me.

"That's the whole reason I'm out here to make sure you don't do anything stupid, now come on the boys want to go jet skiing, and I think it would be good for you" she says and a smile flashes onto my lips as she dragged me away from the foredeck and off towards the lower levels of the boat where the Sea Doo hanger is.
Another update done I don't know what tomorrows will be but oh well guess I'll have to sleep to figure that one out, comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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