Chapter Twelve

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Scarlett Louviere

Waking up the next morning I rolled over and looked around my room.

The whole room had cream walls with wooden flooring, and three distinct sections. There was my sleeping area which was placed in such a way that I had a view over the bay behind my parents home through glass bi-folding doors that led onto a balcony and behind that was my bathroom with a closet to the left of my bed.

Sliding off the bed I walked into the bathroom groggily before undressing and getting into the shower which quickly woke me up.

Walking back out of the bathroom thirty minutes later I got dressed in knee high boots, black leggings and skirt, and a cream coloured ribbed sweater before curling my hair and going downstairs to find Eve my family's housekeeper making breakfast.

"Good morning Eve" I say walking into the white marble and decorated kitchen looking at the large woman who reminded me of an almost grandmother like figure standing by the stove.

"Good morning Miss Louviere" Eve says moving a plate of fruit towards me considering that was all I normally had for breakfast.

"Where is mom and dad".

"They left for Manhattan half an hour ago, Phillip will drive you to school if needed" Eve says as I push open the back doors out to the large manicured garden that covered this half of the property around the house, with the pool and beach front not far away.

I then thought about it for a second after last night I wondered if Nathan would offer to make it up to me kissing me then leaving but I also knew that wasn't who he was, he did what he thought was right, what he thought was best, disregarding how others felt or how he felt.

Walking out to the garden I stood by the pool area and looked out to the bay while eating my breakfast, specifically saving the slices of peaches till the end since they were my favourites.

"Miss Louviere, Phillip has the car ready" Eve calls out to me and I turn and give her a smile since I wasn't about to be rude to someone who always looked out for me.

Getting inside I put the plate in the dishwasher along with the fork before walking to the front door and putting on a pair of my shoes, and heading out to the car that the family chauffeur stood by holding open the back door for me.

"Thank you Phillip" I say sliding into the back seat and buckling myself in for the hour long drive to Thornbrook.

During the drive I say the rest of the group go by without Nathan's obvious black vehicle which made me wonder where he was but then I reminded myself I shouldn't care.

When I finally got to the school the car slowed to a stop along the curb before I thanked Phillip and got out of the car to walk off towards the school but I noticed a small group flocking to the polo field and decided I would go look at whatever it was that was so interesting.

Tossing my bag over the crook of my arm I walked off towards the area of Thornbrook I recognized as the polo field and upon getting there saw the entire Polo team practicing and damn they were good but one specifically stood out to me.


The last name of Nathan written underneath the number one that he shared with his dad so it made sense to me that this was the number given to him.

He also showed a great deal of skill as him and Zeno outclassed every other player compensating for all the teams weak points which seemed to make all the players work harder to try and match him but it seemed this was where Nathan excelled and he was very smart academically.

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