Chapter Forty Four

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Pulling into the driveway I parked the car back in the garage and headed inside where Eve had just finished cleaning one of the chandeliers.

"Hi Eve" I say giving her a smile that she returns as I removed my coat and boots.

"Hello Scarlett, how was the Louvre?".

"It was good Nathan flew in and gave me this" I say reaching down to pull the necklace out of my sweater which was where I had tucked it.

"Ooh it looks beautiful" she gushes.

"I know, I was a little bit speechless" I admit and she laughs lightly.

"Well then it was a good gift. The best ones leave us unable to say much" she says.

Exhaling in humour I nod slowly.

"I'm realizing that".

"Go do whatever it is that you want I'll call you for dinner or your parents will get home. One of the two".

"One of the two" I laugh knowing my parents worked practically all year.

I actually wondered what it must have been like for Nathan and his siblings who had parents who selectively worked as they had already put so many years into what they were doing and eventually just came to the point that they didn't really need to work.

I could tell they actually raised him, where as I saw my parents but I felt more like I got closer to Eve then them simply because Eve was the one that showed me so much. Took care of me when I was sick, taught me how to cook when I asked, or how to ride a bike, or was there when I woke up, and got home from school.

However I didn't mind my parents working so much because I knew that was the sacrifice they were making when they decided to have me knowing that they couldn't be the one's to raise me so Eve was the one that did that. If I was left on my own to figure everything out and ended up with absentee parents I may not have that view.

Heading upstairs my immediate destination was the library and as I walked in I realized the doors on the far side of the room were open the bottoms of the secured curtains flapping in the mid day wind.

"Why are these open?" I mutter to myself walking across the room to the doors and pulled them shut, and locked them.

I then looked around the room curious as to who would have opened it. Eve wouldn't have she knew it was cold outside so who.

Walking around the room I spotted a folder placed on one of the side tables and walked over to it before flipping it over to read the name on it.

Kennith Louviere

Wondering who could have possibly snuck into our home just to drop off a package for my father I lifted it, and pulled the top of the paper package open.

Pulling out the contents I realized they were a ton of documents many of which consisted of the crash case me and Nathan had wanted to know more about, and also the person who attacked us that night Carrick De'Vincent.

I then organized the contents though they were in five sections, and began to look at all of what was here. It was talking about how Louviere Financial had a mysterious backer during many of it's low points and I was genuinely curious of who because what I was reading gave a lot of insight into what this benefactor was capable of in both the political, and economic world.

It also detailed seven separate occasions where my parents company was a sideline company in the mix of some illegal lawsuits, which when provided with proof was slipped out of the public's eye meaning this person was likely present for these events.

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