Chapter Fifty Five

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Nathanial Winters

The helicopter landed back on the helipad of my parents estate, and I knew for a fact a lecture was coming, and by the time I left there was either going to be one of the rare family arguments or I'll get answers, one of the two.

Crossing the snow covered path towards the home I watched as the one living room door opened right before my dad pocketed his phone as he entered the smart home my parents had raised all of us in.

Removing my shoes I walked to the front door where I set them down while my parents went into the living room without making a sound, which I was silently dreading.

I had never wanted to be on the opposing side of my parents anger, because my mom was silently terrifying and my dads looks could kill if such a thing was possible.

Letting out a sigh I walked into the living room where my parents sat my mom with her legs crossed in front of her, and hands clasped, while my dad sat in a similar position just leaning forward with his legs spread and looking at the ground.

"You know you scared her" he says looking up an unreadable look on his face.

"She drove three hours out of her way to come get answers from us, then another two to find you" my dad adds without looking away from me.

"I was just trying to deal with what was going on in my head, which seems to be quite often" I say pointedly staring back at my dad.

"And drinking then disappearing for five hours was a good idea" this time it was my mom who spoke.

I had expected my parents to be mad but instead they just sounded sad like they didn't want this to happen.

"Being on my own is the only way I know of to deal with it" I sigh, "I can't exactly explain it to anyone, I told Scarlett and then disappeared because I needed to be alone".

"Being alone is fine, just tell someone where you are going, just walking off is not a good habit, saying where you are going at least makes sure no one misunderstands the reason you left" my mom says.

"Okay well I can work on that but I also need answers, I'll just be blunt about it. I want to know why you both are so accepting to the idea of me trying my best even though I feel like I have to earn my place in this family" I say refusing to allow myself to break down.

"Because that's how I feel, even without it being said I feel a mass of expectation to do or accomplish something that isn't explained to me" I add.

My dad sighs deeply, and silence blankets the room.

"When I was eight I went to Rosenburg Institute, I lived there year round and the whole time my father pushed for me to become the best of those who were already top athletes scholars, academics, I had to be perfect but I was never told how, I assume he thought I'd figure it out. Which I did. When I was around ten I'd had enough I refused to go home, I went to my grandparents for the summer. When I finally got home at near fourteen I had anger issues and despised my father, I barely gave him the chance to mend our relationship before he was killed. I was angry and sad and took it out terrifying Thornbrook, along with this city as its billionaire heir".

I had heard up to this piece of the past, just nothing detailed.

"In the one year before I met your mom, I was in a gang which included her abusive ex. I had multiple run ins with her and to this day I still wish I could have been there for her. Your mom's ex domestically abused her verbally and physically" my dad says glancing at mom who exchanged a look with him as if there was something else that they had promised not to speak of.

"I had my own toxic relationship where we argued every day, and on the day we broke up she smashed the window of my Range Rover with a champagne bottle which she threw at me. She then left New York, and a few days later my cars were seized and I testified in court about my gangs behaviours her ex goes to jail, I serve two months of house arrest, your Aunt Kate bailed me out, and I explained it to the boys and her".

We all then heard the gasp and looked uo to find Abigail and Izzy standing leaning on the bannister railing.

"You were in a gang?" Abigail says.

"Yes, I was ashamed of it and hid it from your mom for a while along with tried to protect her from her ex when he got out of jail, I found her post prom when your mom had gotten kidnapped, and blamed it on myself. The next year we went through several ups and downs, and in the end we worked everything out between my ex returning and planning to harm Olivia, then it was one of our employees, and finally one of my childhood friends".

"The reason I tell you to do your best is because I don't want you to end up having the same childhood I did" my dad says looking at me, "I didn't want it for any of you".

My dad, our dad stood and walked to the window.

"I spent the first twenty five years of my life working my ass off to be the best of the best, its the reason I founded a fourteen digit company. I wouldn't be able to do it without the woman in front of you, I'm tame now. But the one thing that will always remain true is that my past made me into a monster as a teenager, I was built like a heavyweight boxer, and trained like one, I still do. I'd kill for anyone in this room. But I never wanted any of you to feel pressure to be perfect, because it made me earn a reputation for being ruthless, and named a devil at sixteen".

"Did you ever see any of yourself in us?" Izzy asks.

"In each of you in different ways. Abigail got my cunning, Izzy my meticulous attention, and well Nathan has always reminded me the most of myself. I saw the same things I showed just not as severe. That's why I said I would like for you to become CEO. But I'd never make you".

"Winters Group International is named after our family, it's staying in our family" I say, "it's the way it should be. I just wanted to know what made you how you are, and if it takes someone to make themselves worthy of being called a devil then they might as well name our family the Devils of New York".

My father smirked, and there he was again, the mirthless expression we all knew to be the famous face of Adrian Winters had returned.

"If you wish to become like that I will let you, but its not just a decision, I ruin people for a career so be prepared for that if you wish to do what I have, just be less like me. There is your mom in you after all" he says and my mom smiles warmly.

There was a video from years ago that remarked 'if Adrian Winters is a devil, Olivia Thorne is a fallen angel', I saw why they said that.

My mom was the one that kept my father from being the literal definition of his title, but she was just as capable as my dad.

Something most people overlook.

"I just want to make you both proud".

"Be yourself Nathan, you have charm, and charisma so let that be what you build your reputation on. Be ruthless when needed, and kind the rest of it" my mom says.

It's easy to see why dad fell in love with her, she saw the best of everything, in everyone. She was who my dad needed and the fact that they were strong enough to get this far together says a lot to both of them as people.

That they never gave up.

Not on their dreams, or their family, or all three of their children, and least of all each other.

I hoped one day I would get to have the same type of love, I hoped it would be with Scarlett but if the past repeats itself we very well may have a lot to go through together.

We just have to endure.
Update done two days later I got home today from my trip, so I will just have to try and catch up, which I probably will be able to do hopefully in the next two days, comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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