Chapter Sixty Nine

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When the trip had concluded and we were all back on the plane back to New York Nathan and I lay in the sleeping area of the jet while he stared back at me with a smile on his lips.

He looked peaceful there though I had a feeling things would be changing very quickly once we got back to New York, that things would be slightly different and I wouldn't blame the reasoning.

We had found out while in Athens that Carrick De'Vincent was found to be hiding in Maine somewhere though it was difficult to pinpoint.

Winters Group had several companies that had government contracts, in fact most of the company was so massive it had subsidiaries that were in signed agreements for various things such as shipping, and construction for major projects.

Winters Group's love of NDAs likely made them attractive too, along with the knowledge of WGI using the still secretive to this day Yamato Protocol.

Nathan had explained some of it to me and still he remained secretive of how it worked but then again secrecy was a major thing I was learning surrounded the Winters Family.

Made the reputations of father and son easier to believe. I believed them I could see it, and the fact that I heard the full stories made it so much more then just rumours scratched together information that was so surface level that it might as well been plucked from the air.

I also found the pictures over the years of the Winters Family and the boys at events along with family and the occasional date from Zavier.

One such picture even showed Yana and Nathan in Geneva with their parents looking rather formal even if they were no older the twelve.

I actually thought it was reassuring someone I was friends with for several years was close friends with the boy my family and his had sheltered me from for seven years.

And now said boy was my boyfriend, who loved me very much, and I knew he does I saw it in his eyes, he wanted to be better, and be the best he could for me. Part of me even wondered why he'd worked so hard to be the best he could.

I valued him for it, there were thirteen reasons that's what girls count demerits till breakup, and being an asshole was one, two was the picking on me, three was constantly running away; But then they disappeared, one by one, and now I wouldn't trade him for anything.

He pushed himself so hard for perfection for his parents, for his sisters, for me, and for himself. Nathan was flawed I knew that we all were but I also knew flawed people were like diamonds underneath when polished.

Graphite is black, and so are black diamonds.

"You look beautiful in the sunlight you know that" he says brushing my hair off my face so softly it was like silk.

"No I look tired, and you know it" I reply and he just smiles.

"You still look perfect to me even when tired Scarlett, also the plane should be landing soon" Nathan says glancing at the window, and out of it I could see the coast line of the East side of the continental US, the green forests of New Jersey and Connecticut and all the coastal towns that dotted the coastline was rather appealling to me. It was to Nathan too who I could tell didn't really like the over the top busy that Central New York was well known for.

He had mentioned Alpine before and I had a mild feeling that once Harvard was over since I knew that was where he was going to attend University that was where he would seek out a house or property to build his dream compound on, just so it was a little closer to the city yet far enought away to avoid the hustle and bustle.

Nathan was however one of the people I wanted to stay in my life and whatever chaos that was likely going to follow us landing back in New York where media crews could delve into our lives for every waking second of our existences I was going to be right here with him.

Moments later the jet settled on the ground and began making its way towards the hanger where it was kept. The Winters second jet was impressive but I found it rather interesting that like everything else it had its purpose and it got used regularly for business flights, or the siblings transcontinental transport.

We both then walked to the steps where we could see the line of SWAT linked armed with riot shields to stop news crews from entering the hanger where a line up of over a dozen black Mercedes vehicles were waiting for us, the Winters Family's PPO's guarding the vehicles stonily.

Nathan must have been well versed in how this worked as he emotionlessly walked down the steps with one hand in his right pocket while the left was a fist.

They ran the world of course their son has the attitude of the one who will come next.

Following his lead as I took it as the best way to seem like I was equal to the heir of Winters Group himself.

Getting into the back of the cars the man sitting in the front seat who I recognized as Elijah turned to look at us.

"Mr. Winters instructed me to take both of you directly to the penthouse at One57 under full convoy. I can't disclose why" he says and Nathan nods before Elijah radioed in and the cars began moving in formation.

Moving through the news crews we began the speedy journey to the penthouse that Nathan's parents owned.

When the cars did stop outside the building I saw my own parents vehicles there before Nathan opened the door and allowed me to follow after him.

The way up to the top floor was swift the guards weren't shy on allowing us immediate uninterrupted access to the Winters penthouse.

"They should be here soon, this is important after all" I hear my dad stress from the living room as we all walked in.

"Nathaniel, Scarlett" Adrian says from his chair in the far seating area holding a glass and looking like he had everything planned to a T.

"Mom, dad, what's the need for us to be here?" I ask looking at my parents with a furrowed brow.

"Just sit, and we'll explain" my mom says.

"Because of the recent information that Carrick De'Vincent is in Maine we sre wanting you both to take convoys to school not as large as the one that deove you here but close, Scarlett a trio of Jaguar XF's was already customized for you" Adrian says.

"I may have bad luck with them but they were available one such short notice, Nathan we already have cars for you GLS's seemed the most fitting since we have them and they serve our family well" the eldest Winters explains.

It was crazy to me that it was a possibility that they thought we'd be targets but we had been before.

"Dad I think it's time you know something" Nathan says glancing at me and for some reason I felt like he was going to speak my thoughts.

"We know about you all trying to keep us separated because of the accident when we were ten and eleven" Nathan says and I see the small smile rise onto Olivia's face, the shock on my parents own, and the unmoving one of Adrian's as he looked at us.

"Then you understand how important it is that we keep you both safe" he said and the conviction there was clear to Nathan and I.

"Yes we do" I replied whilst the boy beside me nodded.
Short but important, comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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