Chapter Seventy

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Nathanial Winters

Walking into the elevator the following day I travelled down to the main level of my building before walking out to the line of glossy black Mercedes Benz ready and waiting for me.

I actually preferred it over a Rolls Royce unlike the rest of this school who would love the attention. My parents taught us humility and a piece of me wondered if they drove us to school when we were younger in one of the four doors as a test.

Brabus is still a family favourite.

As the cars pulled away I began looking around New York and swiftly realized that this was likely how I'd be getting to work on publicity days which were rare but when WGI was to have news or media around the tower or inside my family always got driven so our vehicles weren't publicly known.

Thornbrook was also well acquainted to Winters Family wealth and its not like we hid how powerful we were, the business was ran out of the tallest building on the East Coast of North America.

Pulling up to the curb the cars stopped, and I slipped out before thanking the driver and walking away towards the school seconds before the line of Jaguars pulled up and parked.

Scarlett who got out of the middle car looked as expected breathtaking so here I stood likely looking dumbfounded by my girlfriend's beauty, waiting for her.

"No comment Nathanial" she teases and it was then that my mind functioned.

"Do you really need one Scarlett, you know what you look like and the standards you hold yourself to" I say looking down at her.

"I do, and you more then surpass my standards" she says.

"Good to know" I say before turning and gesturing to the school.

"Shall we" I add, and she just glances at it as a way of saying yes.

Scarlett was a confident person but being around the boys and I seemed to add another layer to it and now she had very willingly taken up the role as my second, the person that was equal to me in this school and I was perfectly okay with that knowledge the only thing that annoyed me was that it would make her more desirable and that guys would try to get her to raise their status because unfortunately that was what male heirarchy was based on, everything either elevated or lowered status down to who we were with. My parents it didn't matter because my mom proved herself to be worthy of being there. Scarlett already came from a wealthy family so now it was a little different but either way I didn't want the bullshit that always surrounded these kinds of things.

As we walked though the school I began to notice the differences in how people looked at us, there was almost a sense of recognition whether that was because of my own past being seen by most of Thornbrook or that this was for one the longest relationship I had and that it was stable.

I also can't hold my ex responsible for what she needed, she didn't know what to do and since addiction was something that statistically most private or boarding school students struggled with I wasn't at all surprised when it had happened, in fact it had been apart of me asking to get her treatment that allowed for the speed in which a place was opened it's also St. Laurent Medical that the clinic was ran by so I had access to the hospitals.

Speaking of my ex though I hadn't at all heard about Natalia since she was taken away, I just knew that her treatments were working and that she was in the recover stage, however I wanted to stay away from her since I didn't know what me being around would cause for her so I thought it would be best that I didn't involve my life with hers.

Getting to first hall I went down to my locker and opened it whilst Scarlett went off to get the things she needed for first period.

Turning I spotted the boys coming towards me joking to themselves while I knew Lucian and Amelia were likely driving here still.

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