Chapter Nine

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Nathanial Winters

How fucking stupid could you be. I scolded myself as I walked through the halls of Thornbrook towards my classroom.

I didn't want to go to class today so I started by walking to all my classes and rounding up all of the work that I knew I would be needing to for the day.

Thornbrook was definitely interesting in this regard since most schools wouldn't do this if you were at school but here it was perfectly normal just as long as it was done within the set time for it all.

I then used the halls that no one else uses at least not very consistently. The back halls were mostly for couples that were trying to avoid other people though there were only a few and it was to divide the large sum of students that attended the school at class change.

 Getting to the stairs I went up to the very top floor before going down the halls until I got to an unused classroom that I knew wouldn't be used until the last class of the day so I quickly lifted the window and put the two rocks down in the corners as a way to ensure that I could get back into the school instead of having to slide down the water drainage pipe.

Climbing out the window I walked away towards the top of the low slanted roof before sitting down and starting on my work.

School for me like my dad was far from difficult, I just hated most of my teachers because they talked to much, when a teacher gave a summary for that days work I could do it but it's the in depth explanations that took a fucking millennium to get through that I despised.

I had finished within the hour and since it was a bright sunny day I wondered if there would be anyone down by the stables for the polo field. Most people weren't and I hoped no one would but at times you don't get the choice for that kind of thing.

Getting down to the window I slid back inside and walked off to hand in my work though it wasn't even the end of first period which was probably a new record though I have heard that my parents and their friends would challenge one another to complete whatever work they had been given in the fastest time.

As I worked my way backwards I handed in all of my work lastly at my first class and chose to ignore all of my classmates though I noticed the absence of Scarlett though from how cool I was towards her I wouldn't be surprised to learn she went off to be alone.

Walking out of the school moments later I headed off to the stables where all of the polo team's horses were kept and taken care of.

Removing my blazer I descended the steps beside the ramp only to find someone standing in front of the grey and black horse I played Polo on every season who I'd named Zeno.

"You know that's not your horse I hope" I say disturbing the silence which made the person jump and turn to face me.

I should have known.

"Scarlett" I add.


"I see you've met my horse" I say walking over to where she stood and reaching out my hand while avoiding eye contact since Zeno would get uncomfortable with it.

"What is their name?" Scarlett asks while Zeno put his head into my hand.

"Zeno the name of the final Roman Emperor".

"Your dad's horse was named Nero who was also a Roman Emperor" Scarlett says gesturing to the picture of my dad with his horse.

"Yes the fifth, though he named him that based on the colour" I say opening the door of Zeno's stall.

"I'm not really surprised by that" Scarlett says as I collect the blanket, stirrup, saddle, bridle, and my riding boots since I knew how to ride horses.

I then set up my horse, and led him out onto the polo pitch before sliding up into the saddle, and looking down at Scarlett.

"Do you want to ride him?" I ask noticing the expression of fascination on her face.

"I'm just wondering how you knew all that?".

"My dad owns a ranch in Wyoming where I learned at about ten from both my parents, my siblings know how too, though I'm the only one who pursued it further then a hobby following in my dad's footsteps to join the Thornbrook Polo Team".

"Of course you play polo, I should have guessed that" Scarlett says.

"It's fun, besides I enjoy it a lot more then I probably should" I admit having Zeno walk along side Scarlett.

"What about it?".

"I get to be competitive and well its a Gentlemen's Sport whatever the fuck that means" I scoff and she laughs which for whatever reason brings a smile to my lips.

"What were you upset about earlier?" Scarlett asks looking up at me, "I'd like it if you told me".

I stop to think about how I want to tell her the answer to her question.

"I don't like it when people get close to me, or if they see me vulnerable. I have heard too many stories of people that get close too fast and I don't want that happening with us, least of all I don't want you to see a side of me you find ugly and never wish to associate yourself with me".

Scarlett then looks a little bit taken a back.

"I would never do that to you Nathan. We all have things we don't want people knowing, but don't block me out as if you know everything about me. I have secrets too just you won't find any of mine by hiring a private detective".

"Does that mean you've done that to people?".

"No one here, but back in Paris my parents had it done on a few people who turned out to be behind this massive elaborate scheme".

"I guess no one ever told you about it since you gave such a vague description of the event" I laugh.

"I don't remember much about it that's why I was also like six" she muses with a roll of her eyes.

"I take it that didn't make you feel too pleased to find out just how bitter the world of wealth is".

"Didn't thrill me no" Scarlett says, "but I hear there are all kinds of stories about the things your parents experienced before you were born".

"Yes and during my childhood, in the end though I don't see anything bringing down my parents it's been twenty four years".

"Our parents businesses have been around for the same amount of time Nathanial" she reminds me and once again I am reminded that if the Louviere's didn't live in Paris I would have likely met Scarlett a long time ago and maybe been childhood friends.

"Yes I suppose that is true" I agree slowing Zeno to a stop and getting off the horse.

"Zeno aspettare" I say to my horse before turning to Scarlett.

"What?" she asks and I gesture to my horse.

"Sure, but I'm not as tall as you" she points out and I just shake my head.

"I know that, you'll just have to trust me" I say taking a step towards her, "I'm going to lift you by your waist, okay".

"Okay" she says and wrapping both arms around her waist I lift her effortlessly.

"Now foot in the stirrup, and put your hand on the horn then lean forward and mount" I instruct and she does as I asked before sitting upright in the saddle looking as confident as I had expected.

"Now he'll walk along side me and we can keep talking".

She then rolled her eyes once again but I commented on it.

"I will pull you from the saddle" I threaten though I didn't actually mean it.

"You would never" she remarks doubt clear in her tone.

"Okay then" I say and reach for her but she guides Zeno away from me.

"That's what I thought" I smirk and she then glares at me though it's not intimidating in the slightest so I keep going with our conversation leading her around the field for the next twenty minutes.
They are bonding everyone and I am proud of that development, also I am sorry for the short chapters I try not to make them like this but they have been so I am apologizing, comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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