Chapter Sixty One

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When the end of March came everyone in the senior class came to airport either the night before or the night of Spring Break.

Many would have to take First Class as their parents either didn't own a jet or couldn't afford to put them on a private plane for a one way trip. So the school offered to buy tickets for everyone who couldn't.

All of the boys had planes and my parents only had one so I had asked to take Nathan's even though he had explained that both planes were his parents him and his siblings used one though for whatever travelling they needed.

As I walked out of the front door of my house I spotted Nathan's Bentley with him leaning against the side of the black paint.

"You look like you belong on the cover of a car magazine everytime I see you" I say and he just smirks.

"I just have a passion for cars, now get in we'll be late to the plane" he says using the fob to open the trunk.

"With you driving I doubt that" I muse and he just smirks while I put my bag in the trunk of his car.

Slipping into the passenger seat he starts the car before turning around and driving off towards JFK airport.

Nathan had done a lot to improve how I felt around vehicles, one such example was telling me to follow him when we drove to school and not really pay attention to speed. It worked which was the interesting part, because normally I was a cautious driver and super attentive. Which I still was just not nervous while following Nathan. It became relaxing to me for some reason.

Probably because you feel safe next to him.

Looking out the window I quickly realized we had made it to Brooklyn and were passing through it before Nathan slowed and turned towards the major airport that everyone would be clustering around in the next hour.

Also part of the reason he was up and ready by five so we could get here at seven and leave before the daily chaos of this airport ensues.

Pulling through the gates and crossing the tarmac which was recently cleaned and was having sun rays glisten across the surface while across the concrete at one of the many hangers was the G800 Nathan had access to which in a minor way reminded me that despite everything his parents still kept them humble.

I can't imagine teaching billionaire children to be humble, my parents did it but that was because they did have anything still by the time I could speak.

For Nathan and his siblings it was different their parents had already made majority of their money in fact I had even found an interview where Adrian was only thirty and he had said he could retire close Winters Group's doors and no one in his family would ever have to worry about money for next thousand or more years.

I hadn't known how that was possible especially with how very clearly the Winters Family lived in luxury but it made sense now, the family was humble and simply lived nice at the end of the day that was all they wanted was to live their lives, help people, and be left alone.

The longer I thought about it the more it all made sense too Nathan hadn't told me what his parents had told him, but I knew it affected him, and from how he had more confidence but was also adopting a more calm controlled attitude it was sort of like his perception shifted from whatever it was to being much more openminded then he was to the concept of wealth and what it takes to achieve it.

Nathan parking pulled me out of my head and he popped the trunk before walking around to the back to get my bag long before I even stepped out of the car.

"Nathanial, I could have done it" I say and he just shrugs.

"I don't mind, now get on the plane, we have a flight to take to Portofino, I also want to get there before everyone just to set the bar so high no one bothers trying to best it" Nathan says as he took the steps two at a time.

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