Chapter Eight

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Walking out of Nathan's house twenty minutes later I walked towards my car which sat being dried by two of what I would guess was the Winters Family's Chauffeur.

"Ms. Louviere your car has been dried" he says with a gentle smile.

"Thank you" I say returning the smile before sliding into the driver seat of the car and put the top down considering that it was a really sunny day.

"Scarlett stop flexing" Nathan yelled over before walking into the garage and I could hear the engine start from within before he drove out in his Aston Martin.

"I thought you said stop flexing" I mutter knowing he wouldn't be able to hear me but that was beyond the point.

I then watched him speed off towards the front gates of the property and drive out and off along the road that led back into Southampton.

If I thought I knew anything about Nathan I watched it vanish just as fast as he did since he drove a lot faster then I thought one would but supposedly his dad was the same way. Catching up with him wasn't hard either he had slowed down to allow for me to follow behind him and we both just drove like this all the way to New York City.

Nathan then pulled through the gates of Thornbrook and quickly parked in his spot before I took the one next to him right as the rest of the group arrived, as they had been behind us the entire time so it looked like a convoy of billionaire heirs into the parking lot.

Getting out of my Ferrari while the top closed I made sure that there wasn't water that hadn't gotten into the interior before shutting off the car and finally closed the door locking it.

"Did you two sleep in the same home?" Zavier asks.

"I'm his neighbor dumbass" I say leaning on my car as Zavier locked his precious Lamborghini.

"Nathan you have a good looking neighbor".

"Ambrose just stop talking" Lucian says shutting the door to his 911 Turbo and walking around the collective of cars.

"Thank you Lucian" Nathan says walking over to where I stood his jacket hung over his arm.

I realized how quickly all of the boys didn't terribly care for the school uniform rule though no one really did as long as it wasn't Dress Code territory no one cared.

Though I do wonder how many times people have been DC'd here with all that money.

The Winters Siblings then seemed to join though Abigail walked away giving our group a glance before joining her friends. Izzy however was more then happy to be around all of us.

"What kind of bullshit will happen today?" Theo asks walking over to all of us and running a hand through his hair that he had chosen to have mostly on the right side of his head.

"My guess is Levi will be mad about the punch Nathan gave him".

"Wanker deserved it" Nathan seethes and even with tinted Aviators on I could tell his eyes would be showing what he thought of Levi.

"That is the most British thing I've heard from you today" Zavier says.

"It's the second thing I've said in the presence of you".

"You called it a presence don't fuel his ego" Izzy says and Zavier covers his heart along with letting out a gasp.

"I don't have an ego".

"Said the kid with a bright yellow Lamborghini" I point out.

"Theo has a blue R8".

"And it's considered the daily driver supercar for a reason".

Zavier then opened his mouth then shut it.

"Ambrose are you a fish, because you're acting like one out of water" Nathan comments flicking open his sunglasses and sliding them over his eyes.

"Shut the fuck up Nathanial".

Nathan then glared almost glacially at his friend causing visible shivers to erupt over his skin.

"Don't use my given name Zavier" he seethes before pushing off the car and walking off towards the school which apparently I wasn't the only one that was shocked by that way of acting towards one of his friends.

"Is anyone going to go after him to see what he's so pissy about?" I ask looking between all of them.

"Not a fucking chance" Zavier says.

"I'm going to see what the polo team is up too" Theo says walking away.

"Best thing to do is let Nathan cool down" Lucian says pulling out his phone.

"I agree with Lucian, my brother has a short fuse at times" Izzy says.

"I'll go after him" I state before walking off in pursuit of the tall fast paced black speck that seemed to be almost gliding past people up through Thornbrook.

Eventually he reached the third floor and disappeared down a hallway which when I got to was empty before slowing walking down it my footsteps slightly audible.

Where the fuck does someone who is six foot vanish off too?

As I got half way down the hallway I was pulled into an empty classroom and suddenly let go only to find myself alone in this room with Nathan.

"Why were you following me?" he snapped using the fact he was taller then me to not have to look directly at me.

"I wanted to check and see what was bothering you".

Nathan then scoffs and walks past me.

"Why the hell should you care how I feel no one else does".

"Is that why you go from getting along with me to bickering because you feel like I won't care?" I press crossing my arms and slowly walking towards where he stood leaning against the teachers desk.

"Again why should you Scarlett, I don't even know why I'm letting you see me like this" he laughs and it cracks before settling.

"Like what...?" I trail off as I catch sight of the glassy layer over his eyes, "are you crying?".

"What do you fucking think, go make fun of me like I know you will".

"Nathan I'm not going to make fun of you, I don't even intend to tell anyone that I found you in here" I say.

"Why protect my secrets".

"Because everyone cries, it's completely normal".

I then stop a foot away from him and I could see the tears on his face.

"Not really we're all supposed to be perfect in this world, and I don't want you to see the aftermath of my brain getting the better of me all the time".

"What is it saying?" I ask knowing how self defeating our minds can be at times.

"It doesn't matter".

"Yes it does you're crying" I point out while grabbing a tissue and lifting it towards his face.

"Here let me" but he cuts me off by grabbing my wrist.

"Don't fucking touch me Scarlett, please don't".

Nathan then pushed off the desk and walked out of the room leaving me to stare after him wondering what it was that had been weighing down so heavily on him. Then my own defeatist thoughts invaded.

Maybe you caused it.

So as you all can see I made this a little deep just a little, what do you think was on Nathan's mind that made him cry comment below, also vote, and share. Anyways


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