Chapter Four

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Lunch hadn't come fast enough, so when it finally came I was out of the school and taking long strides along the paths to the student lot.

Reaching my car I unlocked it and pulled open the driver side door before sliding inside so that I could go get food.

As I pulled out of my spot I saw everyone else group together and make their way to the parking lot.

If they are following me I swear to god.

The trip to the principal's office was interesting, both Scarlett and I had been let off with a warning but I honestly only believe that's because we both came from wealthy family's that provided some form of immunity to trouble.

I then watched all of them get into their own vehicles and follow me away into Manhattan until we all arrived at Van Leeuwen Ice Cream.

I wanted to get some and walk through Central Park for lunch but it seemed like I was going to be forced to spend time with other people. Though they were my friends.

When I walked back out holding my cone I found all of them talking on the curb while eating their chosen kind of ice cream.

"Nathan why haven't you said anything in the past hour?" Zavier asks and I simply shoot him a glare.

"Because he doesn't want to Zavier don't goad him" Lucian says and I give him an appreciative nod before getting back into my car, being careful to not get ice cream on the seats. Starting the car, I then drove off once again towards Central Park.

Manhattan was a much different place compared to the Hamptons, and in a way it was the true home of the Winters Family, my dad and aunt grew up here, my grandparents grew up here, I would imagine my great grandparents grew up here too though they had lived in Derbyshire for five decades before their passing a few years ago.

My dad had even pointed to the penthouse he had spent the first eight years of his life before everything changed. He never told me what happened, or why he didn't have very many memories of it past that, all I know is that there was only two generations of living Winters Family members me and my siblings, and our parents.

When I finally got to Central Park I found an empty space and quickly parked before getting out and walking into the park to one of the meadows throughout it where me and my friends often frequented in nice weather.

Right now it was clear and sunny, much unlike what it was an hour prior. The grass was also dry and a gentle breeze blew through the park.

"Nathan can you not walk a million miles an hour there are more of us" Izzy calls out to me and I stop to turn and face them all. She and Chloe; Lucian's sister stood talking to one another, Zavier had his sunglasses on and his jacket over his right arm looking like the stereotype of a rebel, Theo on the other hand had Scarlett on his back while Lucian was on his phone ignoring everyone.

Finding the tree that marked our groups spot I set my blazer down and sat down on it, before leaning back against the tree.

They all then continued their conversation on the ground, and I watched as Theo picked at grass before walking over to a flower bush and plucking a flower before carrying it over to Scarlett who accepted it.

"You should braid it into his hair" I comment, and not only does me speaking spook almost everyone but what I chose to say.

"I can't braid flowers into hair" Scarlett says.

"Where do you want to put them if you agree with my idea principessa?" I muse semi-challenging as I partially expect a brick to appear in her hand to throw at me.

"The sides" she replies obviously feeling indifferent to my tone.

"French braid his hair but every time you cross the pieces you put a flower stem in between so they stay in place" I say watching amusement cross my sisters faces at the shocked look on Scarlett's.

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