Chapter Fifteen

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I pushed open the doors of the kitchen the next morning to find Eve making final touches on a plate of pancakes that had been frosted in icing sugar and strawberries.

"That looks delicious" I say walking over to the counter and drawing the attention of Eve.

"You look nice Miss Louviere" she says looking my outfit of black pants Louboutin heels, and a charcoal grey pullover, along with golden jewelry which was the rare time I would actually wear yellow gold but it did look really fucking good with what I had chosen to wear.

"Thank you Eve, you look lovely as well" I say and she gives me a soft smile.

My family had always paid her well and I was very happy to have had her be around me since I was born. Though I suppose what other option is there when you work almost all day for the first five years of your child's life like my parents did.

I didn't resent them for it or even dislike them, I was too young to remember that and well I would say I turned out well.

As I sat down to eat breakfast Eve started to wash the dishes she had used.

"Leave it Eve, I'll do it once I finish my breakfast" I say and she pauses before looking at me.

"Are you sure?" she asks tilting her head to the side.

"Yes, I'm sure you have other things you'd rather do then clean dishes" I muse with a smile.

"Thank you Miss Louviere".

"You're welcome".

I then go back to eating and I enjoyed the silence until I had finished my food, and stood pushing my sleeves up before starting on the dishes.

I had learned believe it or not, though that was because I was a stubborn child and when my parents weren't around I told Eve to teach me things that my parents considered beneath them, though domestic things such as cleaning had never bothered me.

Once I finished and dried off my hands I double checked that my nails that I had painted a dark red the night before along with shaped now before you ask how I did it myself, I may have taken up that as a hobby when younger. My parents had also encouraged self sufficiency so that was one of the things I did.

Though I don't think that's what they had in mind.

I then heard a knock on the front door followed by my phone dinging and I glanced at it to see that it was a message from Nathan saying he was outside.

Rolling my eyes and tossing my phone into my Chanel clutch I walked to the front door and pulled it open to be met by Nathan in black dress pants, and a button up shirt.

"Good morning Scarlett" he says with a million watt smile though his eyes were covered by the sunglasses he wore.

"Good morning Nathan" I say looking up at him, and he pulled me to him before wrapping his arms around my frame.

"I can tell that you're makeup is newly applied" he whispers and I let out a small laugh.

Only something you would notice.

"It is do you like it?" I ask and he smiles warmly down at me.

"You look stunning principessa" Nathan remarks and for some reason the compliment brings butterflies to my stomach.

"Thank you Nathan" I smile and his smile changes to one of full glee that seemed contagious.

"I got a new car" he says letting go of my waist, "I drove it here and I'm rather surprised you didn't hear me pull in.

"Soundproof walls remember, also where is it, there is kinda this black thing in my way" I remark and he chuckles before taking a step back and to the side so that I could look past him and the porch entryway of my home.

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