Chapter Twenty Three

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Separating immediately I turned around to see Lucian and Amelia standing in the doorway of the office's patio doors staring at me and Nathan with wide eyed expressions.

"When were you going to tell us?" Amelia implores as both her and Lucian stepped into the room closing the door behind them.

"We're not together if that's what you're referring too" Nathan says his arms wrapping around my waist.

"Okay but don't let the other two see you both do that" Lucian says, "we all know how far they will take a single witnessed kiss".

"Yeah that is true" Nathan says letting go of me and stepping aside right before the boys burst through the office doors looking like they did something they shouldn't have.

"What did you idiots do?".

"Nothing we wanted to know what all of you are doing in here?" Zavier says.

"Mhm, I better not find anything broken" Nathan affirms giving the brown haired boy a cool look.

"I promise nothing is broken" Zavier reassures and Nathan nods.

"Can we leave the office please, I need to get started on dinner anyways".

Walking out of the room I followed Nathan who had gone to the kitchen and was expertly making up some type of meal for all of us.

"When did you start learning to cook?" I ask taking one of the stools along the counter.

"I would sit on one of the chairs in the kitchen as a kid and watch my dad cook, which funny enough you're sitting in the seat I used to. But then when I was about eight or nine he allowed me to help, and it just progressed from there to me doing parts of the meal to him conducting me through one then just supervising. Now I can make all my own food at my own volition".

"Sounds like a good skill to have" I say getting up from the chair and walking around to the cupboards and took out a glass before opening the fridge and getting out some of the mango juice that I seemed to find in all the homes Nathan is in.

Pouring myself half a glass I put it back and went back to sitting and watching as Nathan expertly cut up and onion without even tearing which was surprising considering I looked like I was upset every time I tried to cut one.

"What exactly are you making?".

"Hamburger steaks with potatoes and gravy" he replies before turning on the sink and unrolling a package marked ground elk into a pan that had been heating up.

"That sounds really good actually".

"Even though it's what most of our peers would call poor people food".

"I just watched you put elk into a pan. There are very few people that would get fresh wild game" I point out.

"My dad and uncle hunted it off his ranch" Nathan says glancing up at me, before he moved to wash his hands and dry them off before breaking up the ground meat, and went on to flip to a marked page, and find a gravy recipe.

"Can I light a candle before that meat stinks up the house".

"Go for it, they're in the laundry room at the end of the hall".

Standing once more I walked off and looked through all the candles until I found the most burnt one determining that this was the one that the house smelt like.

Bringing it back I set it on the counter in front of where I was sitting and quickly found a lighter before lighting the candle which started to crackle almost immediately.

"It's a wood wick candle don't worry about the sound" Nathan smirked.

At least I don't have to worry about burning down the damn house.

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