Chapter Five

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Pulling into the driveway of my family home I turned down the guest house driveway which was given to me as my own on my last birthday because my parents were willing to give me privacy, so as a result I technically had my own home.

Stopping outside the glass showroom I got out of the car and opened the doors that allowed me to drive my car into my garage before parking along side the others.

Last night was one of the few times I didn't sleep here, I had gotten really tired and decided to sleep in my old room instead of out here.

Shutting the garage doors I walked up to the sort of sports lounge area that was a mini bar kitchen with several L shaped sofas.

There was also a wood, and black mix in this area of the house specifically, everywhere else was shades with wood. When my dad had redesigned the entire property he had wanted to have everything feel like an actual home despite the size of it all.

Walking into the the boot room I went up to the living room and tossed my coat over the back of the sofa.

All of a sudden I spotted the boys enter the property before driving down to where my home was before getting out dressed ready for the party tonight.

In the past few days I had successfully managed to avoid Scarlett which also included my friends since she was always around them.

As I got to the stairs Zavier and Theo burst through the front door both dressed in their own stylized version of casual clothing.

"There he is!" Zavier exclaims, "dude you've been like a fucking hermit".

"That was the point Ambrose" I counter rolling my eyes and walking away towards the hallway that took me to my room.

"Why were you hiding?" Theo asks as all three of the boys settle in the living room.

"Avoiding Scarlett" I call back disappearing into my room and changing into jeans, a grey half sleeved shirt, and a black denim jacket.

When I reemerged I found all of them waiting for me to reappear besides Lucian who was on his phone.

"Dude she's been looking for you for the past three days" Zavier says.

"I highly doubt that" I muse, "besides all I've been is an ass to her" I add descending the stairs to the ground floor.

When I walked back into the boot room I chose a pair of runners and grabbed the key for my 720S Spider before walking over to the car and lifting the door to get in. It was sort of expected that me and the group made an entrance which was probably why we all drove flashy vehicles.

Driving out of the garage I got back out to shut the sliding doors before getting back into my car to leave towards the party.

As I drove through the Hamptons towards the house where the party would be held. We all knew the house belonged to Levi De'Vincent's parents which meant that this was likely to be a very special party.

Pulling up to the gates we all drove into the large motor court and parked along side the dozens of other sports cars though it was clear we were the spoiled ones among everyone here.

Parking I slid out of the car and pushed the door shut walking off towards the front steps of the house that led up to a large set of twin doors that would let us into the house which had music loudly playing from inside.

"Ready boys" I muse and they all nod before I push open the doors and we walk inside to see people dancing and drinking along with playing cup flip, and beer pong.

"Nathan Winters is in the house" Levi exclaims raising his solo cup of what was probably cider.

"Here to drink" I say walking into the living room while collecting a bottle from the counter and walking over to the farthest seat in the living room where people were playing beer pong.

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