Pardon Me

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What a sight to see. Evangeline, my girlfriend, and Oliver, my best friend, sitting on my couch together. Blake sits on Eva's lap, holding a ring in her hand.

"Oh pardon me, am I interrupting something?" I laugh, shutting the front door. Blake hops off of Eva's lap, and comes crashing into my legs.

"Grey, she really is a princess!" She squeals. I cant help but smile, especially as I catch Evangeline's glance.

"What?!" I exclaim.

"Yeah! And she showed me a picture of you and her, and she was in a princess dress like Aurora!" She cheers.

"No. Way." I say, giving a shocked expression.

Blake runs back over to Eva, hoping onto her lap again, fiddling with the ring.

"Im going to set this down, and then I'll be right back." I say, heading towards the bathroom.

I unload the bag into one of the empty drawers, and walk back into the living room, sitting down next to Eva.

"So is this like a real thing now or?" Oliver questions, moving his finger from me to Evangeline.

"Definitely very real." Eva smiles, very preoccupied with Blake.

"I thought you were supposed to be, not dating. Something about your parents not wanting you to fall for a Kline or something? That's what he told me."

"That exactly what my parents said. But you know it was too late for that, so I kept dating this guy," She points at me. "And tell my parents I'm not."

"Seems like that might catch up to you at some
point." Oliver mentions.

"If it does, then I pull the 'I'm and adult, and can do what I want' card."

"Didn't you turn Eighteen last year?" I laugh.

"Nineteen. I'll be twenty in like, four months. Lay off," She smiles.

"Oh well excuse me." I scoff.

"Anyways, it's not like they can make Grey and I break up,"

"Plus my parents love her. I'm sure they would step up for her if she really needed the help." I chime.

"All I would say is that it would be better to tell them now, instead of later. Just in case."

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