The Dark Lord!

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Once again you take off to fight the Underworld Army!

(Y/N): Okay! Let me get this straight. You sent in Pit to a castle heavy armed with monsters, and you didn't inform me before?!

Palutena: Sorry! It's very urgent.

The storm that you were heading into was getting even worse and worse.

(Y/N): Yikes! And why exactly is there a castle like that?

Palutena: A high ranking general of The Underworld Army named Dark Lord Gaol is the master of that castle.

(Y/N): Dark Lord?! Isn't that a big overcompensating? Not to mention cliche! We've heard that in so many stories.

Palutena: Yes, I agree. It is cliche.

You make your way through a system of caves, while using the light axe and light trident to vanquish any Underworld Monsters!

(Y/N): Alright! It should be around here somewhere.

You found the castle.

Palutena: Great! Now get in there!

(Y/N): Yes Ma'am!

With a quick motion you burst through the entrance!

(Y/N): Man! This guy has a very creepy setting for his home.

Palutena: Okay! Pit should be around here to the right.

(Y/N): And how do you know that?

Palutena: With my all seeing eye!

(Y/N): Neat!

Palutena: I can even see what's in your mind. So don't go thinking about-

(Y/N): NO!! Of course not! I would never think of a romantic date between us with roses and champagne, and meat lovers pizza. Dipping in a relaxing hot spring while we have-

Palutena: Oh come on! I'm just kidding!

(Y/N): Sheesh! You can be such a troll you know that?!

Palutena: Oh I know! But can't a goddess have fun?

And so...

Different monsters show up this time!

Different monsters show up this time!

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Shoot fly

Shoot fly

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(Y/N): These monsters are getting uglier!

You take them all down and move onto another room!

???: I'm telling you that Lady Palutena knows what's she's doing!

???2: Then tell me Angel Face, why are we still lost?!

You bump into Pit, who is working with another human.

Magnus (A human mercenary! He is a really grumpy guy!)

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Magnus (A human mercenary! He is a really grumpy guy!)

(Y/N): There you are Pit!

Pit: Oh good! (Y/N), do you know a way through here?

(Y/N): Don't ask me. I just got here. And who is this?

Magnus: Name's Magnus.

(Y/N): Nice to meet you. Look, why don't we all team up and take down Dark Lord Gaol?

Gaol: Fine. Just make sure you don't drag us behind.

(Y/N): I wouldn't dream of it.

And so...

You guys progress up the castle killing many monsters and then you guys manage to reach the throne room of Gaol!

You guys progress up the castle killing many monsters and then you guys manage to reach the throne room of Gaol!

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Dark Lord Gaol (General of the Underworld Army!)

Gaol: So, Palutena's little servants have come! And Magnus, it's been too long.

(Y/N): Hello Dark Lord.


Magnus: Yeah. Don't want to talk about it.

Gaol: Oh we were old friends.

Magnus: So how're things?

Gaol: Business is booming you know. We even have a bigger increase in security.

(Y/N): Special. Let's go!

Gaol starts attacking with powerful magic attacks, including barriers, but the Trident and Lance of Dark Star break through them!

Then you allow Pit and Magnus to attack back with their attacks!

Gaol: How irritating! You stay out of this Magnus! I'll deal with the Angel first!

Pit: Try me! I'll just break through it!

Pit takes out a giant club and hits Gaol at the same time Magnus swings right into him!


Pit: NICE!!

Magnus: Nice hit Angel Face!

Gaol screams in pain, and the armor breaks to reveal a human!

Magnus: I'm sorry.

Pit: Gaol was a human?!

(Y/N): Probably through brainwashing.

Palutena: Don't feel so bad. You both saved so many lives. Besides, he's alive.

(Y/N) and Pit: REALLY?!

You both go to check, but are whisked off by Palutena, all while Magnus tends to his comrade.

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