The Jura Tempest Federation!

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You wake up in the woods and realize that you still have everything on you.

(Y/N): Good!

Megumin: Hey? Where is this?!

The entire area was a forest, and you had noticed that Megumin was not just nearby, but she was also hanging from a tree of all things.

(Y/N): Why are you up in a tree?

Megumin: These goggles aren't really efficient at making you land where you want.

(Y/N): Oh just come down, and let's see what this world has to offer for us.

Megumin: Okay!

She comes down, though in the end lands right on her own head.

Megumin: Ow.

(Y/N): You al- Don't move.

Megumin: Huh? What do you mean?

Then out of nowhere, a dire wolf comes to attack!

Then out of nowhere, a dire wolf comes to attack!

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The wolf comes out.

(Y/N): Alright, back off or-


The entire area explodes, and well the wolf seems to make it out of the way.


Wolf: That was very reckless.

(Y/N): So you do speak? How?

Wolf: Evolution. Why are you in my Master's territory?

(Y/N): Territory? What you serve some old man?


It tries to attack, but-

???: RANGA! Enough!

The wolf stops right there.

Ranga: Lord Rimuru.

A figure appears.

(Y/N): Who are you?

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(Y/N): Who are you?

Rimuru: I'm Rimuru Tempest, head of the Jura Tempest Federation and Demon Lord.

(Y/N): You? What can you do?

Rimuru: A lot if you want to see.

(Y/N): She's pretty! And her voice is adorable, like Wendy's!

Megumin: What's going on there?

Ranga: The other is alive my Lord.

Rimuru: Did she cause that explosion?

(Y/N): Yeah, that's Megumin. She's a Crimson Demon and obsessed with making explosions.

Rimuru: Why does she wear an eyepatch?

(Y/N): She thinks it's cool. Listen, you run a Federation huh? We mean no harm. Your wolf was just doing his job,

Ranga: You should be lucky I don't eat you.

(Y/N): How nice. Your attitude reminds me of this damn Tanuki.

Shukaku: NOT FUNNY!

(Y/N): It is to me.

Rimuru: Hmm...

She touches you.

Rimuru: Yep. He's a grump.

Megumin: Huh? How?

Rimuru: We'll have time to talk. First you guys should see the Jura Tempest Federation.

(Y/N) and Megumin: Still sounds silly.

Rimuru: Hey! It's strong! I assure you!

Let's see that for ourselves!

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