A Test!

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A long training later resulted in you guys taking a break, until you sensed something was wrong.

(Y/N): Don't you guys hear that?

Class 1A: What is it?

(Y/N): Crying! Really loud crying! Come on!


You located a baby carriage about to be run over by an out of control bus!

(Y/N): OH NO!!!

Iida immediately gets out of the way, but-

It turns out to be a stuffed animal.

Iida: What's going on here? Why was-

???: HEY! Does it hurt to be this stupid!

The stuffed animal almost exploded in his face, and Gizmo showed up using a jet pack.

Gizmo: Hahahahaha! How do you like that Dweebs?!

(Y/N): A little kid on a jet pack? What are we running out of villain material?

Gizmo: Oh, you think you're funny huh?

Mammoth comes out of the ground and grabs your legs!

Mammoth: Then how about a joke? What's the farthest object thrown?

(Y/N): Touchdown?

Mammoth: Uh ... NO! It's ... uh....

(Y/N): Oh brother. Another one of these types of villains? It's touchdown! What an idiot.

You kick him in the face.

Mammoth: OW! I'd watch my tongue if I were you. Just watch! I'll beat you to a pulp and then I'll stretch you like that .... Uh ... that .. you know the pink stretchy-

(Y/N): GUM! Do I have to get a chalkboard just to spell it out for ya?

Mammoth: Yeah! So?

(Y/N): I'm not going to bother with this. KATSUKI!

Katsuki: OH I'm going to love this! Big tough stupid guys are fun to beat up!

Mammoth: HEY! You take that back or I'll kill you!

Katsuki: Okay, you're not tough.

Mammoth: That's better.

Izuku: But you said-

Katsuki: He'll figure it out.

Mammoth: HEY! You son of a-

He tries to punch Katsuki, but he just moves to the top of a building.

Mammoth follows but Katsuki knocks him off.

Mammoth: Fine! I'll just head to the left and- AH GOD DAMN IT!

He keeps getting knocked down over and over.

Mammoth: I'll just go form behind and catch him off guard.

Katsuki: Hey how's it going?

Mammoth: Oh hey, I'm just waiting for that exploding kid so I can surprise him!

Katsuki: Neat.

Mammoth: Yeah! He'll never se- oh.

Katsuki: Die.


On another hand, Jinx is able to use her magic and swift moves to pretty much catch everyone off guard. But-

(Y/N): Gotcha!

Jinx: HEY!! Let go.

(Y/N): What's a cute girl like you running around with an idiot and a little kid?


Kaminari: Over here you little brat!

Gizmo: Oh I'm going to enjoy this!

He puts an anti gravity device on Kaminari, and laughs as the electric hero goes spinning in circles.

(Y/N): One second.

Though Gizmo stops when he begins floating.


He is floating due to Ochaco touching him from behind.

Jinx: Ugh! Do I have to do everything myself.

She starts throwing magic everywhere over and over, until-

Well she gets flattened by the Titans, who were cushioned by Beast Boy who turned into a whale.

Raven: Well, who knew that putting on so much weight would actually make a change.

Beast Boy looked really annoyed by that statement.

(Y/N): Oh boy. Here we go again.

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