Girl Power!

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Medaka and Erza got onto the battleground, as they were about to fight against Caulifla and Kale. 

Medaka: We're both strong enough to take on two Saiyans. Don't slow us down. 

Caulifla: Pretty big talk coming from a teenager like you. 

Medaka: Pretty big talk coming from someone smaller than me. 

Caulifla: Oh, I got to admit, you're going to be a good one. Kale, you take the red hair one. 

Kale: Uh ... alright. 

Erza: There's no need to feel nervous. Just give me everything you got. 

Kale: Alright then. 

Referee: AND BEGIN!! 

Medaka and Caulifla have already started trading blows with each other. 

Though the blue-haired Student Council President starts to move around rapidly. 

Medaka: How do you like this? This is my Kurokami Phantom technique. 

Caulifla: Not that impressive, but for a human, you move around very fast.

Caulifla manages to hit Medaka into a wall. 

Medaka: Well then. Looks like, I'll just have to get serious. 

She removes her shoes and socks and goes into Hybrid God Mode. 

Caulifla: Now you're talking. 

She activates SSJ. 

Caulifla: ENERGY FIST!!


At the same time, Erza realized that her swords were breaking no matter what she swung at Kale. 

Erza: What is she made up of? 

Kale: Sorry, it's that, swords don't really have that big of an effect on my body. I'm really sorry. 

Erza: Well in that case, I'll just have to fight like an actual warrior. 

She requips to her Clear Heart clothes and lets her hair down. 

Erza: Let's go. 

They start exchanging punch after punch, but then they notice- 

Kale: Caulifla? 

Caulifla looked extremely injured due to the attacks that Medaka had unleashed on her.

Medaka: Had enough? Or are we finished? 

Caulifla: I didn't say that it was- 

Kale: What do you think you're doing? GET AWAY FROM HER!!!! 

Erza: Huh? 

She screams and transforms!

(Y/N): OH CRAP!! 

Jack: I forgot that that woman can do that

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Jack: I forgot that that woman can do that. 

Broly: Is that... Oh my God. 

The strongest Saiyan of Universe 7 saw himself in Kale's transformed state. 

(Y/N): Broly, calm yourself. 

Caulifla: Looks like it's a better time than any. HEY KALE! LET'S DO IT!! 

Kale: That? Very well then. 

They proceed to put on some earrings and- 

(Y/N): POTARA EARRINGS?! Medaka, Erza, take these! 

You throw some to them. 

Medaka: What are they? 

(Y/N): Just put them on your ears. 

Erza: I don't see how they will- 

Once they get them on, the two girls also fuse. 

Fused Medaka and Erza: WOAH! What is this?! We're fused! Alright, prepare for Medza! 

???: Well you should beware of- 

???: Well you should beware of- 

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???: Kefla!

Beerus: Oh now this is getting good! Whis pass the popcorn! 

Whis: But Lord Beerus we don't have any. 


Champa: Vados go get the popcorn! 

Vados: Of course Lord Champa. 

She winks while doing so. 

Champa: What are you planning over there? 

Vados: Whatever gave you that idea? 

Champa: I see you winking. 

Vados: I don't know what you're talking about. 

The two Fused fighters continue to punch each other over and over and- 

Medza and Kefla: WE GET IT!


Any attack Kefla fires, Medza reflects back with several sword-like blows from her fists. 

Kefla: Huh? 


Kefla: WOULD YOU STOP THAT! I can barely get enough- 


She brings out dragon eyes and begins to create multiple clones who attack Kefla and corner her near the edge of the platform. 

Kefla: WOAH!! 

Medza just knocks them down. 

Medza: And with that, we win. 

She removes the earrings and Erza and Medaka come out. 

Medaka: Well done Erza. 

Erza: You as well Medaka. 

(Y/N): My first two wives are always this amazing. 

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