All For One's Countermeasure!

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The HIVE Trio were now tied up for interrogation. 

(Y/N): Alright start talking you three. I know you work for All For One. My question is, why are you working for him? 

Gizmo: Like we'd talk to you lameos. 

Katsuki: I am "THIS" close to blowing up this twerp! 

Mammoth: At least he's not blowing me up anymore. 

Katsuki: I might just do it some more for you. 

Jinx: Can you both just stop? See what I have to put up with all day? 

(Y/N): How troublesome. Look, if you guys just talk, I'll make sure that you can get a lighter sentence. Hey, I might just ask you out. 


She blushes brightly. 

Gizmo and Mammoth are just laughing at their comrade's state and she just gives them the glare to shut up. 

They just do so. 

Jinx: Fine. You see- 


You then meet up with the Teen Titans. 

(Y/N): Okay, I'm going to need to ask some questions. You guys are- 

Beast Boy: Oh come on! Haven't you heard of me? 

(Y/N): No. I seriously don't know any hero with green skin and pointy ears. 

Beast Boy: DUDE!!! I'M BEAST BOY!! 

(Y/N): Still don't know who you are. 

Raven: Shows how popular you are. 

Robin: We're the Teen Titans.

(Y/N): I thought you looked familiar. AHA! YOUR BATMAN'S SIDE- 

Robin just turns. 

Robin: I would appreciate it if you didn't mention him around me. 

(Y/N): Look, I know everyone has a falling out, but holding a grudge is just. Come on! 

You try to reason with the Bird Wonder, but he's not willing to listen. 

(Y/N): Well, I did try. 

Some things are better left not mentioned. 

(Y/N): So, I'm going to need your guys' help. All For One could bring in more and more reinforcements to the point he could make a whole army. Not to mention that- 

Raven: Get to the point already. 

(Y/N): Right, we just kick his butt. 

Cyborg and Beast Boy: YEAH!! 

Starfire: We would be happy to lend the assistance. On my planet, we usually have a word for comrade. It's- 

She starts speaking her native language. 

(Y/N): (mesmerized) Wow, what a beautiful language. 


All For One is getting his help from Psimon to open up multiple portals. 

All For One: Yes. Perfect. 

Shounen Hero Book 4!!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt