More Superhero Girls!

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With All For One's plans in shambles, you wanted to relax, though not before treating the Titans out for some pizza.

Beast Boy: Okay! But half can't be anything with meat.

(Y/N): You're a vegetarian? But don't you turn into carnivores?

Beast Boy: I .... I .... Look, I just don't eat meat okay? I had to work at this place that serves nothing but meat and-

He continues on with his story.

(Y/N): What? You can't be serious! I- huh?!

Starfire: Oh don't think too much about it.

(Y/N): Starfire, you're drinking mustard.

Cyborg: Yeah, just go with it.

(Y/N): Oh okay.

Starfire: How wonderful! One of the Earth's delicacies!

And so...

You had received a Titans Communicator, and were about to send the team home!

Robin: If you need any help from us, we'll be there.

(Y/N): Same would go to you guys. So good lu-

But then Raven appears.

Raven: Look, I know we haven't known each other long, and I just want to say-

(Y/N): What that you like me? Oh that's sweet of you Raven.

Raven: I had done a little digging into your mind before while we were eating.

(Y/N): Wow, and so quietly.

Raven: Whatever, it usually kicks in. Listen, I have a suggestion.

(Y/N): Okay fire away!


An angered All For One is ordering all of his men to fix the portal.

All For One: I will not forget this. (Y/N) (L/N) you will fall no matter what.

He had made sure that Psimon was overseeing the henchmen and that they didn't slip up.

They then start getting a reading.

It was a castle out in a snowy country.

All For One: This should be interesting.

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