AOT Opening!

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We see several titans marching through New Tokyo, and you take out your weapons and start cutting them down as the title card appears!!

Many of the Titans Killers are seen by the school yard with Eren waking up from a dream of betraying his friends and the whole world!

He is right beside Armin and Mikasa as they are heading to class.

At that moment they pass by several of their classmates, including Sasha who is munching on Yakisoba bread and onigiri, while making Jean and Connie carry her stuff, then they pass by Krista and Ymir who were about to kiss, though they stop, just as soon as they pass by.

Finally we see Annie, Reiner and Bertholt, who are just minding their own business until Reiner is accidentally knocked into a fountain.

You arrive at class time and prep everything as Erwin, Hange, and Levi show up!

All the other students arrive with Sasha being the latest, coming in with a stuffed belly!

You guys go through several activities of the day, including classes, cleaning, etc.

The Titans begin to march in as everyone starts to rise in their gear, and well you go for Tobi who is standing on top of an Armored Titan!

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