Showdown with Sigma!

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Sigma sat on his throne, and soon he heard you and X burst in!

Sigma: X, welcome back.

X: You're through Sigma!

(Y/N): Humanity is not dying today!

Sigma: Why fight for humanity in the first place? All they do is destroy what they create. They take everything for granted.

(Y/N): Well, not all humans are like that. So many of them move on, and change from the person they were before. Humans learn and adapt. That's what makes them special.

Sigma: Please, I didn't need an entire lecture about how different humans are from Reploids.

X: It doesn't matter what you say to us, (Y/N) and I are going to end you!

Sigma: Then come!

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Sigma starts sending large energy waves at both of you, and you return with a Kamehameha Wave!

X begins to charge up his Buster at shoot at Sigma, then he changes to a lightning weapon and attacks!

Sigma moves to the other side of the room with full force, and sends so many exploding energy balls, but you block them and shield X!

X: He took this form before, so how is he stronger than he originally was?

(Y/N): Beats me, he's probably using extra energy that he siphoned off of various life sources.

Sigma: You don't have the time to discuss strategy!! Now di-

(Y/N): X! We need to blast him at once! I have a plan!! 

X: What's that?

(Y/N): We're going to send Sigma into the sun! He won't be able to survive it's intense heat!

X: You sure about this?

(Y/N): What other choice do we have?


You blast him again, at the same time that X fully charges up his Buster and-

(Y/N) and X: EAT IT SIGMA!!

You fire and Sigma is launched off of the moon all the way to-

Sigma: What's this?! THE SUN?! I'M HEADED FOR IT!! NO!!! HOW CAN THIS BE?! LOSING TO X WAS BAD ENOUGH BUT A HUMAN TOO?! I will be back! I will be, just you wait.

And Sigma was burnt up in the sun, with his exoskeleton being the only thing that remains of the insane Reploid.

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