The Super Senshi!

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Haruka and Michiru were at the mansion just massaging each other's feet, and laying on their bed.

Haruka: How do you feel? 

Michiru: I feel wonderful my love. Just wonderful. 

Haruka: Good.

The taller Senshi gets on top of her shorter lover, and they start making out. 

Haruka: I love you so much. 

Michiru: I love you too Haruka. I love you too. 

At that moment, they're interrupted by both Hotaru and Setsuna. 

Setsuna: We have a problem. 

Haruka and Michiru: What's wrong? You know it's not nice to interrupt other Senshi when they're doing their business together. 

Hotaru: Yes, but it's them. 

Michiru: You don't mean- 

Haruka: We should go. 

Setsuna: Yes. I agree. 

On another hand... 

You brought Usagi and Chibiusa all the way to see Merlin. 

Merlin: Hmm ... let me see. 

She examined the two. 

Merlin: I think I might be able to fix this. But it will take a while. 

Chibiusa: Please hurry Aunt Merlin. I don't want Shouta to see me like this! 

Usagi: And I want to go back to being a teen!! 

(Y/N): Merlin knows what she is doing. Don't worry. 


Minako and Artemis are seen investigating the Circus, only to find themselves caught between- 

Amazoness Quartet: Going somewhere? 

They begin to summon many orbs around the two of them. 

Minako: What the?! WOAH!! 

She ducks and dodges all of them. 

Artemis: If you could transform right now, we would be saving a whole lot of trouble with this. 

Minako: I wish I could, but I can't!!! 

CereCere: Now get ready to meet your end! Girls? 

JunJun, PallaPalla, and VesVes: With pleasure. 

They take aim, but- 

All of their attacks are reflected. 

(Y/N): Hey! 

Minako and Artemis: (Y/N)!!! 

Usagi and Chibiusa also arrive, and they are back to normal! 

Usagi: Hi! 

Chibiusa: We're back Baby! 

Then you hand something over to Minako. 

(Y/N): Use this Minako. 

It was a crystal. 



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