Talking Sense!

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(Y/N): See?! This is very bad! Very very very bad!! We can't have you, girls, fighting witches considering that that thing contracted all of you into doing this!!!

Madoka: (Y/N), you're overreacting. 

(Y/N): Don't you girls think that this is bad? 

Homura: We don't have much of a choice. 

Sayaka: Most of us could have our souls destroyed if we don't start fighting against the Witches. 

(Y/N): Yeah, but- 

Mami then goes over to you. 

Mami: It's important that you know this, but, we could have the risk of becoming withces. 



Kanna is seen walking through an alleyway. 

Kanna: I'm lost. How do I get back home? I don't- 

She then hears something. 

Kanna: Hello? 

Kyubey comes out. 

Kyubey: Do you want to become stronger, little one? 

Kanna: Who are you? Daddy said never to talk to strangers. 

Kyubey: A wise person, your Daddy is. My name is Kyubey, and you're Kanna. So I'm not a stranger anymore. 

Kanna: I don't know. It could be dangerous to- 

Kyubey desperately keeps following Kanna. 

Kanna: I'm not interested. 

Kyubey: I'll just have to keep following you, until you agree. 

Back with you... 

(Y/N): I can't believe it. That damn thing talked all of you into continuing to do this! I am going to find that thing and erase it from existence!

Homura: (Y/N), I doubt that would be possible. There's no way to escape from our fates. 

(Y/N): We'll just have to see about that. 

You begin marching off to find Kyubey and destroy it. 

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