Assemble the Team!

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Now with the challenge passed on by the Fat God of Destruction. 

Champa: HEY! 

You had to assemble a team as quickly as possible in order to combat Champa's! 

(Y/N): I need the toughest ones. Some of the most powerful, well-rounded people I have ever met. I need- 


We see a lineup consisting of Medaka, Erza, Luffy, Jack, and even Broly. 

(Y/N): I have brought you all here because you are some of the most powerful people I've ever met. You are strong, determined, powerful, unrivaled, and unstoppable! 

Luffy: Huh? You were saying something (Y/N)? 

The Straw Hat Captain was too busy stuffing his face with food. 

(Y/N): Forget I said anything. 

Medaka: I will gladly lay down my life to participate in this tournament (Y/N). 

Erza: To protect our word, and everyone else's existence, I will charge in with you, (Y/N) my beloved husband! 

Jack: Hey, I thought Erza sucked at acting. How is she- 

She punches him in the gut. 

Jack: Okay, I deserved that. 

Luffy: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Who knew Erza was so sensitive. She must be as dumb as Zo- 

In 3 seconds... 

The idiot pirate was lying on the ground unconscious with his face covered in so many bruises. 

Jack: Anyway, why did you bring Broly? I mean, he doesn't like fighting. 

(Y/N): It's because .... HAVE YOU SEEN HIM!!! 

Broly: I ... I appreciate you thinking about me again. But I'm not really comfortable with the fact that we have to fight with others of another universe. I could lose myself again. 

(Y/N): It's them or the planet. Are you comfortable with letting other life forms die Broly? 

Broly: I suppose .... not. 

(Y/N): Good! Come on! 

One instant transmission later... 

You guys show up in a planet far off in Universe 6, and well, you weren't expecting a bigger team from them. 

Champa: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Too small! You have too few people!!

(Y/N): Oh crapbaskets. 

Botamo (This giant bear is one of the strongest warriors of Universe 6! He can block attacks with his massive body, and even fires ki beams from his ears, as well as his hands and mouth!) 

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Botamo (This giant bear is one of the strongest warriors of Universe 6! He can block attacks with his massive body, and even fires ki beams from his ears, as well as his hands and mouth!) 

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