Straw Hat Girl Party (Part 2!!)

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Erza was out doing some sword practice.

She gripped the wooden sword and she kept swinging repeatedly, adding more swords, until she did-

Erza: I can do this. SANTORYU: ONI GIRI!!

She does the iconic attack on a dummy.

Erza: I can't believe I let myself fall for that trick and get captured.

She sits down cross legged and sighs.

Erza: I need to be more careful.

Then she looks at her phone after changing into her white blouse, blue skirt, and white flip flops.

Erza: Enough training for today. I'm going to enjoy my life.

She takes off after grabbing her stuff.

Back at home...

Juvia sighed as she felt Nami, Lucy, and Levy massaging her back.

Juvia: Juvia doesn't hate you girls. You're the best friends Juvia could ever have.

Levy: Sometimes I wonder why you have to keep calling us bimbos whenever you're jealous. It's crazy.

Juvia: Juvia just loves (Y/N) so much! He's my beloved and I would do anything for him.

Nami: Same.

Lucy: Just relax now. Say, we're gonna have fun right?

Juvia: Yeah.

Lucy: That's the spirit.

Nami: I got a way to make this better!

She takes out the Clima Tact and gets Zeus out.

Zeus: Here goes!

He makes himself into a sort of cloud pillow.

Juvia: Ah. That feels so good.

Nami: Nice going Zeus!


Wendy is just snuggled up with Robin, who is reading a story to her.

Wendy: Thank you so much for your time Robin. You're so sweet.

Robin: It's my pleasure, Wendy. Anything else you need, I'm here for you, just like Carla is.

Wendy: Thank you again.

She rests on Robin's chest while crossing her legs and crunching her toes.

Robin: Anytime.

Then without warning, she starts tickling the youngest female Straw Hat by sprouting her hands onto her.


Robin: Your laughter is so adorable.

Wendy: No fair Robin! Once this is done, you have to let me tickle you!

Robin: Of course. Fair is fair.

She sits close to Wendy and retracts her arms. Then she does it manually with her own hands.

Meanwhile... again...

Mirajane and Lisanna are seen doing some grocery shopping.

Mirajane: Hmm ... now how much cake should we buy? This is quite the hard decision.

Lisanna: Wouldn't it be easier just to take all flavors?

Mirajane: You want to combine them?

Lisanna: This is a slumber party! So, we go all out!

Mirajane: Okay. By the way, where did Carrot go?

They see the rabbit mink drooling over carrot cake.

Carrot: COME ON! Let's get this! Carrot cake is really good! Come on! Please?

She makes cute eyes.

Lisanna: You're too cute to resist.

Carrot: Tee hee! Garchu!

Mirajane and Lisanna: GRACHU!!!

On another hand...

Yamato takes a deep breath and practices swinging her club.

Right now she's wearing her old Wano outfit.

Yamato: I'm the second Kozuki Oden! I'm Yamato of the Straw Hats. I am the woman who renounced being Kaido's daughter!

She swings her club into a tree.

Yamato: Whew!

She sat down, kicked her sandals off, and started eating some sushi she packed.

Yamato: Can't train on an empty stomach.

She starts eating, only to get a message.

Yamato: Oh shit! That's tonight? Damn it!

She changes into her more modern-looking outfit.

Yamato: Better move!

This was going to be a bit night for these beautiful ladies!

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