Bye Kitty!

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Kyubey was just planning their next move, and suddenly, out of nowhere, you show up. 

(Y/N): Hello there Kyubey, I have some words to say to you. 

Kyubey: Yes? What is it?

(Y/N): Just this. If you ever come back to threaten my family ever again, I will end your existence ever quicker the next time. 

Kyubey: What do you mean by- 

(Y/N): Hakai.

And with that, Kyubey ceased to exist. 

They didn't even scream, they just disappeared, and continued to smile. 

(Y/N): Oh that felt so fucking good! I am so proud of myself. 

Xellos was watching everything from nearby. 

Xellos: Well that was unfortunate. 

(Y/N): Hey Xellos, I know you're there!!! 

Xellos: Oh, well I guess I'm too loud. 

(Y/N): I don't know what you're up to, but I swear, it wasn't going to work. 

Xellos: You could say that I was helping you out by delivering something to your front doorstep. 

(Y/N): By having Kanna put in danger?! 

Xellos: And what would make you think that? 

(Y/N): Because that damn cat was going right for her. And you know about pretty much everyone in my family, and that is something that I know you could use just to spit me!

Kyubey: Am I that heartless to do som- 

You just punch him in the face. 

(Y/N): Shut up Xellos. 

Xellos: Yep, I can't seem to fool you, no matter what. Oh well, till next time I suppose. 

And with that, he just disappears to a place unknown. 

(Y/N): Ugh, I need a shower now after talking to him. 

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