The Hydra Empire! (Part 1!)

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You quickly got acquainted with Captain America, Thor, and Carol. 

(Y/N): Okay, so you guys have done things like this before? AND YOU'RE THE GOD OF THUNDER, THOR!!! 

Thor: Hmph, I appreciate my popularity amongst other realms, and- How did you do that? 

You lifted up Mjolnir. 

(Y/N): Guess your hammer claims that I'm worthy. Can I k-

You sigh upon seeing that Thor is giving you, THAT LOOK! And then you hand it over back to him. 

(Y/N): I'm sorry. So, Strange, where are we going to find the pretty witch? 

Strange: She shouldn't have gone too far. 

(Y/N): Right. 

With one good moment of concentration, you manage to find the Enchantress! 

(Y/N): I got her! She's in the castle nearby! 

Captain America: Interesting, you also can detect life signatures? 

(Y/N): I can do a lot Cap! You haven't seen anything yet. 

And soon... 

The Castle was filled with various traps, including a giant spiked ball! 

(Y/N): How medieval of her. 

The ball comes rolling down, and Thor just smashes it. 


She appears from the walls while cackling mischievously. 

Amora: Oh what's the matter Thor? You're not having any fun? I thought I would just indulge you. 

(Y/N): I really really find you annoying witch. 

Amora: (Y/N), Sweetheart, why don't you just come with me. 

(Y/N): I'm not going to already!! Just stop it! 

Amora: Very well then. How about we decide it over a traditional fight between knights? 

She then teleports everyone into a combat arena deep beneath the castle. 

(Y/N): What the?! 

You're in armor, and ready to fight against whoever stands before you! 

She then summons a bunch of knights. 

(Y/N): Oh come on!!! 

Enchantress: Now fight! 

They all come towards you, and you just pull out Excalibur and- 

(Y/N): BOOM!!! 

You knock them all out! 

Enchantress: Well, I might as well just reverse time and- 

She is blasted by Carol. 

Carol: You were saying? 

Enchnatress: How da- 

Then Strange uses a spell to have her tied up. 

Enchantress: This isn't fair! But I can still- 

Cap knocks the Ruby out with his shield. 

Enchantress: NOOOOO!! 

Captain America: That doesn't belong to you. It's yours Son. 

(Y/N): Whew! 

You grab the Phantom Ruby and grab the Enchantress. 

(Y/N): You've got a lot of explaining to do! 

You prepare to take her hostage, only for- 

Everyone gets teleported to another location! 

The city is filled with posters that have the image of a skull octopus. 

(Y/N): What the?! Not the Nazis again!!!

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