Dinner Date •Bang Chan•

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Genre: sort of soft?
Word count: 971

You and Chan have been dating for a couple of months now, but nothing is official yet. Due to him being busy all of the time with making music, filming, and everything else he has to do because of him being an idol, you both haven't been able to go on any proper dates. But, Chan had stated before that you two shouldn't be seen in public, so he had something else in mind that was even better than a fancy restaurant for your first date since you two have met.

You stood in front of Chan's dorm door in a gorgeous short, slim fitting white dress with tiny little yellow sunflowers scattered all over it. It was more of a summer dress, but it was the only thing you had in your closet that got Chan approved for his dinner theme of the night. You couldn't deny that you were excited to see him after weeks of only FaceTime calls that lasted until midnight every night.

Almost instantly after knocking, the door was opened.

By Jisung. One of his band mates.

He was all dressed up in a suit, his hair was attempted to be slicked back by water, and he even had his makeup on still from filming earlier in the day.

"Welcome to the Stray Restaurant, your waiter will be with you shortly," Jisung spoke in a terrible British accent, standing in an overly straight posture with his hands behind his back.

You had no idea that this is what Chan meant by a 'better idea'.

As he stood to the side to let you in, he didn't bother to remove his hand from the door so it wouldn't shut. So you had to duck down underneath his arm to enter the dorm.

The whole dorm was only lit up by candles that were placed spaciously throughout the few windowsills and even on the tops of their doorframes. You slid your white tennis shoes off at the door, soon to be greeted by two of his other hand mates. Hyunjin and Minho.

"Good evening Y/n," Minho greeted you with a bow and a warm smile as Hyunjin did the same.

"Follow us to your table," Hyunjin said contently, pivoting on one foot as he began walking to the kitchen.

You had visited their dorm only once before to meet the members a couple of months ago. It was a little bit of a mess, but you couldn't blame them. They're boys. The living room was covered in scattered clothes, thrown on the back of the sofa and on the coffee table, the kitchen had empty water bottles everywhere, dishes, food wrappers, etc. Now, everything is clean. Spotless, even.

Just as you, Hyunjin, and Minho stepped foot into the kitchen, you saw Chan sitting at a table in the middle of the room. There were red roses, your favorite flower, in a vase in the middle of the table. Two glasses of wine on either side where the chairs were, and neatly placed eating utensils and plates. Even the napkins were folded like a restaurant does.

You couldn't help but smile at his overly great effort to make your date spectacular. He was right. This was way better than a fancy restaurant.

Chan pulled the chair out for you and watched you sit down with a dimpled smile on his face that makes your heart flutter every time you see it. His hair was all done up and he was wearing a gorgeous suit that complimented his broad shoulders. He cleans up very nicely.

"We will be back shortly with your food," Minho stood beside Hyunjin on the side of your table as you and Chan looked up at them.

They both turned around and approached the doorway to the living room, leaving you and Chan alone. You looked at him with a proud smile on your face, sipping your wine for a moment.

"This was your idea?" you questioned with a small grin, placing the glass back down on the table.

Chan chuckled softly and nodded. "The boys contributed some ideas though,"

As you watched Chan, his eyes averted to something moving behind you. So you turned around in your chair and saw Felix walk into the room wearing a chef uniform. He even has the hat on.

"Don't mind me," Felix cleared his throat, noisily taking out a pan and a pot to make your dinner still.

You suppressed your laughter and turned back to Chan as Felix began making your gourmet meal right beside you both.

Other than the boys often checking on you and Chan throughout your date, it was a cute romantic night. You and Chan talked, laughed about Jisung's British accent and jokingly made fun of him in which he retaliated by teasing you both and calling you an old couple. It didn't bother you, you thought it was cute.

And you loved the fact that they already think of you as a couple even though it isn't official yet.

"So..." Jeongin and Seungmin walked up to the side of your table with mischievous smiles on their faces as Felix set your plates down full of delicious smelling food he made himself.

"Are you two..." Seungmin's voice trailed off, looking between you and Chan and raising his eyebrows.

Your lips slowly curved into a smile up at the younger boys, feeling your cheeks get hot. Chan silently nodded toward them with a smile, grabbing your hand beside your plates on the table and interlocked your fingers with his. You suddenly turned your head to look at him in surprise with wide eyes, finding him to be already looking at you.

"MINHO!" Hyunjin yelled from the doorway into the kitchen.


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