Chapter 1

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Important A/n: Christina is played by Lily Collins. All the boys have their current tattoos. They're all 19 and Christina and Brianna are 17.
Christina's POV

My heart was pounding in my chest as my mom pulled up to the high school building, it was weird. My mom had woken me up by shouting constantly that I was going to be late for my first day. It wasn't like I particularly cared, me being me, I was still upset about the move from New York to California.

However my friends had envied me for getting to live the Cali life, the warm weather here was a major contrast to New York as well.

From what I could see this school was big, and I mean big. People of sorts buzzed around outside trying to socialize with their friends before their first class. I immediately felt out of place, my car wouldn't be here until next weekend meaning my mom had to drive me to school, that or I walk. I had insisted on walking today not wanting to be the new girl and have a reputation of my mom driving me to school. Normally I wouldn't care what people would think of me, it never bothered me before and I'd simply brush it off.

"Bye mom." I mumbled kissing her cheek before tossing my bag over my shoulder and jumping out of the car. Some people glanced over to me giving me small smiles as if expecting me. Some giving me confused glances because they haven't seen me around before.

Ignoring the looks of the other student I made my way inside, I had gotten my schedule in the mail along with a tour of the school after we got settled in on the weekend. I'm grateful for that because otherwise I'd have to be my awkward self and ask around.

I didn't do good with meeting new people.

However, the school still thought it was a good idea to have someone with an identical schedule follow around and basically lead me everywhere.

And here she comes now..

"Hi, are you Christina?" She had brown eyes that were outlined with a dark blue that was noticeable when looking carefully, with long straight wavy hair that reached slightly after mid back with a black hair that had a ombré streak with green tips. The bright colors she wore managed to fit her.

"Er yeah, hi." A chuckle left her lips, probably at my lame attempt of greeting her.

"I'm Brianna, you're practically stuck with me for your entire time here." She seemed pretty forward, and despite just meeting her I sighed resting my head on her shoulder, she had dimples and an American accent.

"Are you okay?" I looked up seeing that she was genuinely concerned.

"Not really, just home withdraws." Suddenly Brianna gave me a warm welcoming smile, to which I returned.

"Don't worry about it. Most people and teachers are nice here, just some groups to stay away from but you'll be fine." Brianna linked her arm in mines beginning to walk to what I assume was homeroom, when I said we had identical schedules, we have literally everything the same.

That could be a good thing, or could turn out to be a horrendous idea.

Luckily when we did reach first period the teacher was there, with us being the first there.

He looked to be in his forties with only a bit of hair and a bit chubby, he seemed like a nice man but it was math so I already didn't like his class.

Me and Brianna sat for around for a short twenty minutes waiting for others to pile into the classroom just chatting absentmindedly about my friends and life back in New York. Something interesting had came up, which was she had came from New York and lived there for a while.

Luckily the teacher, Mr.Yen, didn't make me introduce myself and he took the liberty of doing it for me, it was quite relieving to me that I didn't have I stand and talk to a bunch of people I didn't know, throughout the class Mr.Yen had let me answer some questions not that there were many, but it wasn't that bad.

Currently we were independently working on a seemingly never ending worksheet, when the door swung open and a group of boys walked into the class room.

One with raven black hair and brown eyes, his hair being styled into a quiff a sleeve of tattoos and some poking out from his chest.

One with puppy like eyes only a few tattoos.

One with no tattoos what so ever, with clearly dyed blond hair.

One with some tattoos and what seemed like feathery hair.

The last one however, he had green emerald eyes, with a smirk on his lips. His tight shirt could allow sight to his tattoos on his chest and that a butterfly? And a whole bunch of others on his arms. I guess I had let my stare linger on him because Brianna hit me on my arm muttering to do my work.

But as I glanced back at him he met my eyes, and I don't know why but a chill ran down my spine.

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