Chapter 13

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A/n: Filler chapter

We can continue to chase our fears, or we can just hunt them down. - Me

Christina's POV

Harry led me to the back of the building where there was a fenced wall, in which he moved a piece of it and ducked under motioning for me to do the same. We walked for what seemed to be hours but what in reality was around forty minutes before we stopped. Harry smirked at the way I gaped at the scenery. We were in the woods but a beautiful part of it.

Their were flowers everywhere along with trees. I could make out a waterfall in the far back. It was unique and exquisite. It made me wonder how Harry found it, he would've had to walk around for a long time, but why?

I didn't ask him afraid to ruin the moment. Our fingers were still linked together and I was thankful he hadn't let go yet, it sounded weird but they fit perfectly.

We laid down again but I didn't mind, the walking made me tired.
Harry had me tucked into his side and I wondered if he had done this to anyone before. If it was all apart of something I didn't know, was this how he reeled girls in?

Because it's working.

In the short amount of time I've known him I've grown an attachment to him. My heart would do this little flutter whenever I was around him and it was optimistic but it was like I craved it. He made me feel special and gave me a rush of adrenaline, it made me happy, sort of.

But if anything I was confused, he was this big cocky bad boy who was no doubt in my mind dangerous, he plays around with girls yet it doesn't seem like this would be the thing he did to get a girl. Take her to a place like this, keep kissing her but not going any further. Seeing him with that girl and the ones in the hall was like a reality check, but now? I don't even know.

"Let's go in the water." I turned to Harry who was now sitting up and removing his shirt going on to remove his pants. I was reluctant to agree, no doubt the water would be cold and I didn't know what could be in the water.

"Don't worry, I've swam in it multiple times." His words were enough to get up and follow after him. When we reached the water Harry frowned when he noticed I hadn't removed any article of clothing.

Wordlessly he stepped in front of me and placed his fingers on the hem of my shirt, he toyed around with it before looking into my eyes and lifting my shirt, Harry threw it to the side letting his fingertips brush against my side before he unbuttoned my jeans and slipped them off placing them where my shirt was abandoned leaving me clad in my black bra and panties. I was just glad I had decided on matching them today.

I thought Harry would just go in from the bottom but then he began to climb the rocks that were there.

It was getting dark and I didn't want to stay down here by myself so I prayed that I wouldn't get injured and followed him.

It wasn't hard to climb them but I still had a fear of heights. As if Harry could read my mind he smiled at me, smiled. I repeat, he smiled. He didn't smirk he smiled. I saw that he had dimples and I smiled back poking one of them.

"You're so childish Chrissy."

Chrissy, it sounded so perfect coming from him, no one had called me it before but I liked it.

"Just jump and don't think about it yeah?" Wait, he was actually jumping? He's crazy if he actually thinks I'm going to jump.

I stared at him blankly but he gave me one last cheeky look before jumping off of the rocks and into the water with a splash.

Water was slightly spraying from the waterfall and the noise it was making was calming. I could hear Harry telling me to hurry up and jump so I closed my eyes and stepped forward.

The wind and water was coming on me and I could feel myself sinking into the water. Reappearing I laughed, it was crazy but it felt absolutely great.

"Wasn't that bad aye?" I just threw my arms around his neck and hugged him, I had never done this and I wanted to go again.

So that's exactly what we did. Only this time Harry and I held hands going down. And the third time, instead of straight jumping Harry went to the beginning of the waterfall and glided down it. Me following.

And after doing it together Harry didn't reappear when I did, we had held hands that round as well but I felt him let go.

Panic rose in me and before I could act on it I felt something grab my waist and I trashed around until I heard him laughing.

"You douche!" Instead of staying mad I joined him in laughing. I didn't want this day to end.

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