Chapter 14

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A/n; What do you lot think about the cover and new description?

"I come over, quarter past two, love in my eyes blinded by you just to get a taste of heaven I'm on my knees."
- The Cab - Temporary bliss

Christina's POV

I was floating and Harry was swimming around. I could hear him coming towards me so I switched my laid back position to a standing one.

The sky was now dark and I knew we would have to get out soon.

Harry looked absolutely handsome in the water, his hair was pushed back perfectly and his tattoos glistened with the water on them the moonlight reflecting off of them perfectly. His hands found there way around my waist and it was official that I liked them there the most.

Suddenly he was closing the gap between us and his lips were on mine. I was slowly getting used to it and enjoying it more, the way that he did it randomly and just the feeling it gave.

Per usual my arms went around his neck and his hands were on my sides. The water was beginning to feel like heaven and my mind was lost, but at the moment I payed no mind to it.

The feeling was difficult to describe and it only came around when I was with Harry, it intrigued me. I was like a curious cat and you know what they say about them.

Harry's tongue swept across my bottom lip, without thinking twice I granted him access. I had thought back to what Brianna had told me about kissing and I hope I just did that right.

By the way he had a comfortable grip on me and he hadn't pulled away I'm guessing I did it right.

My chest was pressed against his with no doubt in my mind that I'd get sick from being in the water for too long, when it came to me anything could easily get me sick. But if it was Harry I was careless to it.

He took his time exploring every nook and cranny of my mouth. When he pulled back I felt him rest his forehead upon mine. It took me a few seconds but slowly I fluttered my eyelids open to stare into his sparkling green ones.

I let my arms slide off of his neck and I stepped out of the water silently.

I could hear him doing the same, I tried to ignore him because I was confused, the kiss made me feel perfect, but that was the thing. Was it what he did with every girl? Was this is a place he took girls to set them in? Was he doing this for his own game?

Harry stood in my way but I refused to look at him, gently he grabbed my chin with his fingers forcing me to look up to him.

"Christina, stop having doubts. I won't let you get hurt. I won't hurt you." His words wafted through my ears and my face contorted into a confused one.

"How am I supposed to know that Harry?" My voice was barley above a whisper with him looking at me with a sharp intensity.

"You don't have to." Sighing to myself I reached up pecking his cheek, "Just let go Christina, for once you might find out things you never knew before." Pressing my lips into a thin line I nodded. I had inquired a lot from this afternoon. I had faced one of my fears and it was because of Harry. No one has ever made me do that, yet again make it fun.

It made me feel...alive. The fear and adrenaline coursing through my veins with my eyes blown wide.

We walked back in silence and our fingers weren't intertwined anymore, and when we reached the building where his motorcycle was parked I didn't hold onto him as tight as I did.

I was stupid for creating unwanted tension.

He was now pulling up to my house with the helmet coming off of my head and help from Harry I was able to get off the motorcycle without hurting myself.

As he was about to drive away and I was on the steps ready to go in after unlocking the door I called out to him. "Harry?"

Slowly turning to me I could fell myself going back towards him, but my eyes never left his as I made my way to him.

Ever so lightly I placed my lips on his, short and sweet, was what it was.

"I had fun, thank you."

And when I went inside peeking through the blinds he smiled at me with amusement waving then leaving.

It was quiet throughout the house with me alone in it, the eerie silence following me throughout the twist and turns I made to get to my bedroom.

Quickly changing into a tank tops and regular pajama bottoms and plugging my phone into its charger I brushed my teeth and washed my hair before returning to my bed.

When I had came back my phone was lit with a text notification and I'm surprised I hadn't heard it go off.

Goodnight darling. I had fun too xx

With my heart fluttering and my chest heaving, it was the definition of something beautiful that danced with something unique, I just needed to find out what they were.


There was banging downstairs causing me to groan, because really who would interrupt my sleep?

Groaning to myself I lazily rolled out of bed making sure to softly land on the ground before making my way downstairs.

Whoever it was better have a good explanation as to why I'm being woken up.

Wincing at the loudness of the banging that had became clearer once near the door my hand reached forward and I jerked the handle to the side causing the door to fly open.

Lucas stood there with tears streaming down his face and he was beginning to tug me out of the house, with my eyes wide I gently pulled him back.

"Lucas? What are you doing? What's wrong?" As I was speaking I put on my shoes and grabbed my keys, momentarily forgetting about my phone being still upstairs in my room.

"C-Cory!" At the name of my little brother I eyed him suspiciously.

"He's in New York."

"N-No! He didn't want to g-g-go with your parents a-alone so they let him stay with an aunt that lived here," I let information sink in, why hadn't I been told?

"He didn't want you to know so he begged them not to tell, he said he wanted you to enjoy your time alone, and it was the only reason you didn't go." Lucas was still crying but he had stopped stuttering, but I was curious as to why he was crying.

"Okay so where're going? And why are you crying?"

"He wanted to come over, a-and he didn't see the truck." My heart shattered, he wasn't implying...


"He got hit by a truck."

Not only was Lucas crying but so was I.

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