Chapter 8

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A/n; If anyone can make me a trailer or cover please DM me on Twitter; @runaxayto1d or PM on here :) thank you.xx
Christina's POV

Mother smiled at me once she saw me about to leave I told her a small goodbye and love you before dashing out. I knew she wanted to oh so badly drive me but the deal was once my car got hear I could go on my own. I had on a blue dress, which of course was too short so I added tights underneath.

Mother would never let me out and she would lecture me until I was five minutes late for school.

Plus it wasn't my style.

Mother had almost spotted the love bite on my neck the other day but I was quick to throw my hair in front of it and before she could request to see it my father had came in and questioned her on something work related.

Once I reached the school Brianna was waiting for me by the lockers, "I am so so so sorry for leaving you at the party, someone said you left with Harry? What did he do did he hurt..." Her voice trailed off and her eyes widened when she saw the fading scratch from Andy.

"Did he-" shaking my head I could feel my heart sink, did she really think that low of him? I gave her a pleading look when I saw her open her mouth to question me.

"Fine, but why was Zayn at your house?" To keep her satisfied I told her what had happened and she rolled her eyes after I finished.

"Fucking typical of him." I didn't know wether or not she was talking to me or not but we had a free period before we went to Mr.Yen's class so I let her seethe before I began to wander around.

Brianna however was quick to follow me, but in a sudden movement someone was in front of us.

She had long hair and was a bit chubby and she seemed to have this annoyed aura. I could hear Brianna huff beside me and I was more confused, who the hell was she?

"Victoria move you dumb ass." My eyes widened and I glanced at Brianna, her eyes were filled with pure hatred and I take it she was the bitch Brianna had gone on about on the phone with me.

"No I don't think I will, who's this?" She batted her eyelashes and I could tell she had an accent but it was different, Swedish maybe?

"Wouldn't you like to know." Brianna grabbed my wrist and roughly pushed Victoria away. I could hear a bit of clashing and squeals, when I turned back she had fallen on some girls who were talking near their lockers.

I knew not to bother or question Brianna when she muttered that she was going to call someone.

Even if she didn't show it she had her breaking point.

"Okay then." I muttered to myself now walking alone, I tried not to seem like an outcast but it was hard everyone was either bustling about to get to their classes or absentmindedly talking to their friends.

I decided against staying inside the cramped hallways and made my way outside,

Which was probably a bad move seeing as Harry and his friends were outside, Harry glanced at me but my eyes were placed on Zayn who was smiling at me, and finally one of them isn't smirking at me. He's actually smiling.

Returning the smile I could tell something was off because of his eyes.

I didn't know why but I motioned for him to come over, I could feel Harry'a gaze on me but I ignored him. Zayn muttered something before pushing gently past Niall and Liam, I had learned their names from Brianna who seemed to know quite a lot about them.

"What's up Christina?"

"Are you okay?" The words blurted out of my mouth and I felt like face palming, wait to be blunt.

"Er, yeah why wouldn't I be?" A thought rung through my head and it told me to just end it there but I shrugged.

"I don't know, you seem off?" The statement ended sheepish causing it to sound more like a question but Zayn seemed to not notice.

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure you'll catch on you're a smart girl." He was smirking at me again and I internally groaned, I knew it was too good to be true. And when Zayn walked back to the group he said something to the group and it was so fast. Harry was frowning then in a split second Zayn was being yanked by the collar and slammed into the nearest wall with Harry's face red in anger.

Brianna had just came out of the building and she was staring at the two with wide eyes, slowly my view was being covered by students chanting childishly, "fight, fight, fight."

I didn't know what I was doing but my feet were carrying me towards the two fighting boys, part me just hoped that things wouldn't get serious. They were friends, right?


Once I was able to push my way through I could see that Harry had just flipped Zayn over and his fist was pounding into him, in any other situation I would've cringed and gotten as far away as possible, but I clearly wasn't thinking as I surged forward and timidly grabbed Harry's fist that was about to slam into Zayn face again. Shoot, Zayn had blood on his face and I could see a gash near Harry's eyebrow and blood on his fist.

Harry turned around letting his eyes rest on me, his eyes held boring but dark anger but I could see them softening.

"Christina, go away before you get hurt."

Was he threatening to hit me? No matter how cruel he was made out to be he wouldn't actually hit me? Would he?

"Harry just let him go." I stared into his green eyes as if daring him to disagree, luckily he let his other hand go of Zayn and I could hear him gasping for breathe, the crowd had disappeared and Brianna was hovering over Zayn and helping him to his feet.

Harry roughly took his hands away from me before storming off.

And I was stupid enough to follow him.

Beat Down ➵ au h.sOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora