Chapter 6

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A/n: Two whole months. *sigh* I think it's a publicity stunt but that's me....well half of me. Anyways enjoy...

Christina's POV

It was about three a.m in the morning and I was currently shaking and quivering with fear from the thunder and lighting cackling outside.

My body was frigid under the duvet and I was gripping a pillow to my chest tightly as if it would make the sound go away, my heart was pounding in my chest and I didn't want to have a panic attack so I tried to even out my breathing, it wasn't until a particular 'boom' erupted outside and it was as if the house shook, but I knew it was only me, I was jumping out from the couch and rushing over to Harry's room.

I had remembered passing it when I left the bathroom.

I didn't bother on knocking and ran into the room, fortunately Harry was awake with the tele in front of him on and and an episode of friends showing.

Harry glanced at me and smirked when he saw the duvet thrown over my shoulders and the fear in my eyes from the weather going on.

"Awe, is wittle Christina afraid of the lightning and thunder?" The smirk never left his lips as he patted the space next to him. I never liked being teased but I hated the thunder and lightening far more so quickly I scampered over to his side hiding my face into his neck when the lightening cackled again.

A whimper left my lips and I could feel Harry's arm going around me, pulling me closer to him. I didn't fight it and instead snuggled closer to him, I could feel him tensing but ever so slowly relaxing.

I knew he wouldn't be too big on comforting someone and I was okay with it. I didn't expect him to speak but he did.

I felt him shuffling and a draw opening along with the sound of his iPhone being taken away from its charger.

"Christina?" Peeking my head up from the covers slightly I peered up at him through a thin slit in the blanket. A chuckle left his lips but nonetheless he motioned me to remove the duvet from my head.

Rather reluctantly I did so, for a moment I thought he would make fun of me again but he placed his phone in my hand along with a pair of headphones.

"Listen to the music, it'll block out the sounds." His green eyes flashed with an emotion but as soon as it was there it was gone.

"Thank you." I could tell that my voice was weak and fragile but I couldn't help it, I was a very weak person. I didn't have walls and anyone could really break in if they wanted too.

Simply nodding Harry returned his attention to the television, whilst I buried my face into his neck and let the music drift through my ears.

It wasn't the type of music I would listen to, but it was good.


In the morning I stirred awake, taking note that the bed was empty. I couldn't tell why but I felt lonely because of it, but nonetheless I peeled the covers off of me, glancing outside to see it was a major contrast to last nights weather.

Once I pulled my eyes away from the window Harry walked into the room with a toothbrush in hand.

Wordlessly it was handed to me and before I could thank him he was out of the room, I decided against bothering him, he seemed like he was in a off mood.

So after I brushed my teeth in the attached bathroom I made my way downstairs to retrieve my clothes.

The thing was I didn't see Harry behind me, so as I reached out to get my clothes and phone his hand gently wrapped around my wrist pulling it back. My back was pressed against him and his breathe was once again fanning over my neck with his lips close to my ear, "Where're you going." My breathe hitched when he pressed his lips softly against the love bite he had given me.

"H-Home." All he did was hum in response and in seconds I was being pushed against the wall with Harry and I's lips locked together.

All I wanted was my clothes.....

But oddly enough I liked this, it was something about the way he tasted like strawberries that had me wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

My hands tugged lightly on his curls when he began to leave open mouthed kisses down my neck, and when he found my sweet mouth an embarrassing moan left my mouth.

"Found it." I could feel him smirk against my smooth skin and begin to kiss there again.

I know I should be stopping him but I couldn't find myself doing that, I found myself not wanting to.

"H-Harry." I had never heard my voice so needy in my entire lifetime, not even when it had happened.

I could feel his hands dip under my shirt and his fingertips running over my sides, in the moment I would've started laughing like a hyena because I'm majorly ticklish, but his touch was different against my heated skin.

I knew I didn't have a bra on and it scared me because he was slowly inching up there.

Too late, his large hands were cupping around my boobs and it was like all my thoughts and hesitance went out the window.

I was only thankful he hadn't taken off my shirt completely, it was only when he began to slide his hands down to the boxers when I told him to stop.

Sure, he had made me feel some type of desire I had never in my life felt before but I wasn't going to give it up in a day. Especially when I was a virgin, it was embarrassing but yet I still had pride in it.

His movements came to a halt and both of our eyes opened, I let my forehead rest on his. Our breathing mixed together as we panted.
"I should probably start heading home, my mom'll have a fit if I don't." Harry smirked with his eyes gazing into mine.

"Until next time Christina."

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