Chapter 38

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"Only fools fall for you, only fools." - Troye Sivan, Fools

                 Christina's POV

                                    I stared at the building

with a grimace, I hated it, nonetheless I didn't come all this way to just leave.

I walked into the building being greeted by the receptionist, she wore a fake smile with her lips overly painted with a far too bright red.

"How may I help you?" Her tone was annoyed and bored so I frowned before speaking, "Veronica Sermin." Lazily the girl instructed me on where to go. I didn't bother on saying anything to her, I was far too indulged in my own problems to even care about how she was acting.

I got into lift, slightly terrified of it breaking down because of the creaking sounds it made as it went up. Seeing my mom whilst she was here wasn't something I've done, but right now I just needed someone to be there. Brianna's going through her own things so I wanted to give her time, I wasn't as close to the others nor was I with any of Harry's friends. Zayn was the only person I knew but I knew he'd be busy with Brianna.

I froze at the door, my eyes squeezed shut before I let my fingers enclose around the handle before twisting it and walking in.

My mom was laying down in bed, a book in hand as she turned her attention to me. She brought a hand up to cover her mouth but I could see happiness shine through her eyes, it made guilt course through me as I realized she was so alone here. No one came to visit her, she must've waited hours upon hours each day for one of us to come see her.

I could feel tears pricking my eyes but I blinked them away, "hi." My voice came out quieter than usual but at the moment I could care less.

My mom motioned me over to where she was laying as she scooted over, I immediately ran over to her and enveloped her in a hug.


I spent majority of the time just laughing and sharing stories with my mom. It was really good to just get to look into her life and for her to look into mine, she had asked me why I was so upset and I spilled to her.

She told me that everything would be fine, I however left out the part where I was getting anonymous text from a stalker. I only told her we had a small fight, I had taken a cab here and had to call André to take me home because my mom didn't want me to waste money.

"Hey Christina." He greeted with a smile after pulling over at the curb of the sidewalk where I was standing.

"Hi André." I muttered closing the door and pulling out my phone to check the time, there wasn't any messages or calls from Harry in which I internally sighed.

"You don't look too happy to see me."
His tone was joking but I gave him an apologetic smile, "just overwhelmed with these past few days."

"Life's hard, don't you just wish we could go back to the times where all we had to worry about was coloring inside the lines?" Laughing at that I nodded my head, but life was still like that in a way. We're forced to color inside the lines because if we didn't it could majorly impact us, sometimes it ended with death or brings eternal happiness.

Unfortunately we all can't have that eternal happiness.

"You can just drop me off here." I muttered my eyebrows furrowed when I saw a familiar person wiping away their tears on a park bench.

André just glanced at me before turning back to the road and locking the doors with a children's safety lock so I couldn't unlock it, "I'm sorry Christina, but I'm afraid I can't do that..."

Third Person's POV

*fifteen minutes before Christina's picked up.*

Harry walked into the alley his fist clenched, he had to do this now. He was pissed and he wasn't one to play games.

"You said you wanted to meet up Styles? Is it because you finally wanna put that fine girl up for m-" The figure was cut off by Harry, who roughly slammed him into the brick wall, his head hit the wall causing a groan to tumble from his lips.

Harry gripped his collar making sure eye contact was ensued, "don't you fucking come near Christina do you hear me?" By the look in his eyes the man knew not to joke around.

"What the fuck are you on about-" once again he was cut off by Harry shoving him further up the wall, his knuckles beginning to turn white as he tightened his grip.

"The texts, stop sending them to her. I swear to fucking god I'll end you here." The man's eyes widened, fear evident in his eyes.

"I d-don't know what you mean, what texts? I haven't came near her since the party."

A punch was delivered to his face before Harry whispered into his ear, "Don't let me catch you lying." He was let go, falling to the ground.

"Oh and one more thing?"


"Just in case you just so happen to suddenly know about those texts, tell the person sending them they better pray the police find them before I do." And with that Harry walked out of the alley, he knew it had to do with him. He was the only person who came into contact with her, Harry pulled out his phone deciding wether or not to call Christina.

He knew he shouldn't of blew up on her like that but he couldn't have her getting hurt, it was his job to protect her at all cost.

Harry sighed deciding to let her cool down if she was angry with him before calling her, shoving his phone into his pocket after powering it off Harry got into his car not bothering to see where the man left to afterwards.

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