Chapter 15

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Tears streaming down my eyes, razor pressed against my skin, I can't seem to breathe. - Me

Christina's POV

My heart was pounding in my chest with dried tears on my cheeks. I was numb and I'm pretty sure my eyes wouldn't allow me to cry because of the stinging sensation in them.

Lucas was utterly exhausted with his eyes closing constantly but snapping open seconds later. My parents wouldn't be able to make it here and instead decided against trying.

"Christina?" My head snapped up to where Zayn stood, hands dug deep in his pocket with a leather jacket on. I didn't question him on why he was here knowing his mom worked here.

Avoiding eye contact my eyes wandered back to Lucas who was now letting sleep take over him. We had been waiting for hours upon hours but sleep wouldn't, couldn't, come to me.

After not responding I heard Zayn sigh and could feel him taking a seat next to me.

Moments later arms wrapped around my small frame, and Zayn's cologne wafted through my senses. It wasn't like Harry's, it was a bit more strong and different.

"Christina what happened?" Clenching my eyes shut I shook my head, I was beyond angry at myself. I should've just went with them.

"M-My brother he-"

"Got hit my a truck." Lucas finished for me, to which I sent him a grateful smile.

Zayn didn't say anything simply pressing his lips to the top of my head and tightening his arms around me, it was hard and I barely felt like I could breathe.

Everything was suffocating me and it was all too much to take in.

"Christina! Lucas called me-Zayn?" Zayn didn't bother removing his arms from around me and I didn't want to lift my head to meet Brianna's gaze but I did. She held concern in her eyes not caring about Zayn and I's position.

But when there was a low growl heard from behind Brianna and she stepped aside Harry was in clear view of everyone, and the look in his eyes scared me.

Maybe it was because I'm in a fragile state of mind that I'm feeling this way but in a way to comfort myself I hid my face into the side of Zayn's chest.

It wasn't working.

A whimper escaped my mouth and I knew that I was having a panic attack, but mixed with shock and my state it wasn't going to be good.

The waiting room was merely filled with one women who was now leaving.

Tears were once again leaving my eyes, everything felt numb. Momentarily I could hear Harry shouting at Zayn to let me go, but once he did Harry was quick to replace his arms. Zayn scoffed as if asking what the point was, and honesty I didn't know, all I knew was it was worked.

As his cologne drifted through my senses and his familiar lips pressed against my forehead my body relaxed with me leaning into his touch.

Brianna had took Lucas to get something to eat I presume seeing that when the world around me wasn't numb anymore Zayn and Harry were the only ones in the room with me.

Fortunately Harry didn't ask me what was going on, simply just comforted me in endless amounts of time.

After a few more hours had passed the doctor had finally came out and informed us that my brother would be good with some pain killers and rest. Also strictly to be kept under watch.

When we went into the room Harry was confused as to who he was but leaned against the door frame and watch everyone crowd him.

With clearance from the doctor he would be on a flight to New York tomorrow, with Brianna driving him and Lucas there, because with little to no argument his parents had agreed on letting him travel with Cory.

However when visiting hours were over Harry offered to drive me back home seeing as Brianna took a cab here and didn't want me to drive home the way I was. She was still extremely confused as to why Harry was acting like that towards me.

Even I was....

It was in the car that I began to explain everything.

"He's my brother..."

Turns out Harry had to pull over in order to calm me, I just couldn't get the thought out of my head that there was a chance I could've lost my baby brother.

Harry constantly told me otherwise.
"Chrissy, look at me," pausing Harry lifted my chin pressing his lips softly to mine, "it's not your fault and you know it. You didn't know he was here." Softly murmuring to me I then realized something.

Those people built up an image that made Harry seem so evil, so dangerous, but really he was far from it.

Even if he, and others, couldn't see it. He was a mystery, I could tell he hid things from others.

After wiping away my tears with the pad of his thumb he proceeded back to his house, I had preferred to go there if I was being honest.

Luckily Harry didn't have a problem with it, immediately agreeing to the idea, a bit too eagerly but I was far to drained to question it.

When Harry pulled up to his house he didn't bother on putting his Range Rover in the garage, instead he left it outside so we could just go straight away and see my brother in the morning, something he knew I was eager to do.

It was like my legs weren't working because when I stepped out I wobbled forward slamming softly into Harry.

My face reddened as he chuckled encircling me in his arm, at first he just held me like the that but in a split second he was picking me up bridal style inside the house.

I didn't mind simply placing my head on his shoulder with a soft hum from him when he unlocked the door.

Once inside Harry didn't bother on putting me down and began to carry me up the steps, it resembled a cliché movie scene, he had leant me one of his shirts and a pair of his boxers much like last time I had slept over here. Only this time I pushed my hair in front of my chest to prevent him from seeing my nipples trough the thin white material of the shirt.

My mind was in a whirl at the moment so I didn't fight Harry when he got into his bed next to me, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me against his chest.

And if that was the most comfortable position I had been in a long time, no one needed to know.


A/n; Still looking for a cover and trailer!

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