Chapter 55

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can't keep my hands to myself, your bodies addictive pressed against mines our connection growing stronger as you make these memories leave my mind.
- Me

Christina's POV

My eyes fluttered open as I felt someone picking me up, my first thought was to start screaming and thrashing but being in this persons arms made me feel a sense of comfort as if I was safe and at home.

"I'm gonna drive her home, I'm sure her father wants to see her." I heard a voice speak, Harry?

It was then that everything came flooding back to me, but nothing felt the same. I still feel as if someone was gonna grab me from Harry and take me away so I tightened my hold around Harry's neck, I felt him shift before I was being placed in the back of his car. I had briefly remembered being carried into a plane and I'm guessing that's how we got back home, I decided to just pretend as if I was still asleep, I didn't want to distract Harry whilst he was driving.

I can't believe he had came to my rescue, I had felt so helpless back with Andrew. Everything had became a threat and I could tell nothing would be similar anymore.

This paranoia that was running throughout my body was tearing me apart as if someone was hiding in the backseat of the car with me and was about to sneakily take me out the car.

"Christina?" My eyes snapped open when I heard his voice, I had missed it so much and all I wanted was for him to hold me in his arms and just tell me that everything was over because it sure as hell didn't feel like that.

My body and mind was aching.

"H-Harry? I-I," I couldn't finished my sentence before bursting out into tears. I hated this, it was a feeling of pure weakness coursing through my veins.

It was only a few seconds later when I felt a pair of arms wrapping around me and Harry's whispers in my ear. I was acting like a right fool but I couldn't even function properly right now.

My mind was spinning and I felt as if I was going to throw up, even though I knew nothing was in my system to cause me to do so.

"Make it go away." I whispered to him, clutching onto his sheer black shirt and burying my face into his neck.

"I wish I could." He whispered back to me.

After Harry had calmed me down I sat in the passenger side of the car with his hand intertwined with mines until we got to my house, I didn't know why I was nervous.

That was a lie, I knew the exact reason why I didn't want to enter that house, I was absolutely terrified to be in it, although I knew my dad must've missed me, I had already confessed to Harry that I was far too afraid to stay in my room so he had agreed I would spend the night at his, or more like demanded.

My dad was at the table with his fingers massaging his temple, as he heard the door open his head snapped up and his eyes widened, I could feel tears fill my eyes as I ran over to him and hugged him when he stood up with disbelief clear in his eyes.

I had remember thinking I would never get to see him ever again, it was a haunting thought.

When we let go of each other my dad immediately turned to Harry with tears in his eyes, "thank you so much." he whispered to him, it was barley audible but I knew Harry heard it when he sent my dad a curt nod before looking at me.

"I'm gonna go get some of your clothes." After Harry disappeared upstairs I explained what was going on to my dad, he had fortunately understood where I was coming from.

After Harry returned I have my dad a final hug before going to Harry's side, his arm immediately went around me. I felt something indescribable being tucked in his side as my father told him to keep me safe.

The ride back was silent for the most part, I tried not to think about about anything but everything broke when we got to Harry's house.

Nothing felt normal anymore.

I felt bad for putting Harry in this position but there wasn't much that I could do to help myself anymore, I felt so defenseless.

I want to just forget everything, even if it was just for a millisecond, Harry tried to get me to the couch but I crashed my lips to his.

"Make me forget." I whispered against his lips as he molded his against mine, it had been too long not feeling the warmth of his soft, but at the same time rough, lips pressed against mine.

I wrapped my legs around Harry's waist as he hoisted me up more, I played with the hairs on the nape of his neck as he led me upstairs.

My mind wasn't anymore focused on what could happen but more on what Harry was doing.

The way he fiddled with the hem of my shirt before completely pulling it off I hadn't noticed that he had dressed me whilst I was asleep on the plane up until now, I guess the paranoia was blocking my mind at that time.

Harry didn't waste anytime on getting me and himself fully undressed, the night was spent tangled in the softness of sheets and moans escaping our mouths, it was then where I found my escape.


Harry was my escape.

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