Chapter 54

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"So we'll piss of the neighbors, in a place that fills the tears, the place to loose your tears. Yeah Reckless behavior, a place that's so pure." - Zayn Malik

Current Day (where Christina heard a crash upstairs.)

Christina's POV

I watched as Andrew shook his head muttering something under his breathe.

"Those bastards never know what to do, probably dropped all the drugs, we'll have to talk about this later." I closed my eyes weakly banging my head against the wall just wanting everything to end now.

I heard the door slam as Andrew left the room, the things he had whispered to me and the torture he had put me through. I must've had various bruises trailing down my body.

I was going through a pain that I couldn't have imagined I would've went through when I was living in New York.

I knew that's where we were at, I had heard him and the people who worked for him talk about this location, when I had thought about visiting New York again I would've thought that it would've been on good circumstances.

Throughout the two or so weeks I've been here Andrew had tried to force this idea into my head that this was all Harry's fault.

He had told me that if I never had fallen for Harry then none of this would've happened, if I would've stopped being with Harry then nothing would've happened to me.

Admittedly I had thought about it but I knew Harry never intended for this to happen, or I hope so. I was only thinking about if Harry was at home thinking about me as much I'm thinking of him right now.

I was about to fall asleep, it was the only place I wasn't in pain and that I couldn't think about all the horrible things imprinted into my thoughts. My mind was completely blank at that time when I'm sleeping, but I heard a gunshot and my eyes snapped open.

           Third person's POV

Harry watched as one of Andrew's men laid lifeless on the floor, he was pretty sure the others had gotten the rest of the guards by now when he saw them head in his direction.

"We all good?" A chorus of "yeah's" sounded amongst them but Harry gripped the gun when he heard his voice.

"Nice of you to join me." Andrew taunted, there was a glint in his eyes but Harry could see something else hiding in his eyes but he couldn't figure out what it was.

"However, you're a bit too late." He continued smirking deviously at Harry who was staring at him with his face impassive.

"She's gone Harry, did you really think I would wait for you and your little team to show up?" Harry didn't say anything only searching the man's eyes, he could practically feel Niall tense up besides him.

"Niall, how bout you take them out?" Andrew spoke, it was then that Zayn pointed a gun to Niall and Liam a gun to Andrew.

"Niall, I thought you-"

"Relax Zayn, Yen here doesn't know as much as we do." He whispered, of course Andrew didn't know they knew about them figuring out Niall already. Harry carelessly flung his gun to the side, if Christina wasn't alive then what was the point in him living?

"I've gotta admit, you're strategy was absolutely intelligent." Harry was now walking up to the man, "but let me in on a secret of yours?" Yen only gave him a sleek nod with a satisfied smile painted onto his thin lips.

"How are you so stupid?" Harry whispered into his ear as he plunged the pocket knife into the man's side quickly stepping away from him when he heard a gasp.


That was the other emotion in his eyes, once you showed fear you had something to hide.

"Watch him, I'm going for Christina." Harry began to walk down to the basement making sure it was clear of anyone hiding out.

He could hear sobs, his eyes widening as he looked to his left seeing a slightly cracked door.

For a moment it felt as if he was in a dream as he looked at the figure in the room, he was finally getting her back.

But, he felt someone tackling him from behind, his face being covered before he could enter the room.

"Harry.." Harry could feel anger course through his veins at the sound of Niall's Irish accent.

"I knew I shouldn't ha-"

"No listen mate, there's camera's in there. You have to wait so I can disable them in time for you to get her out of there. Most of Yen's goons have access to the footage so they can't see you."

"Did you really have to tackle me?" He asked angrily glaring at the lad who sheepishly shrugged.

"I'll go deactivate them now."

It wasn't until ten minutes later Niall came back nodding at Harry from the end of the hallway before disappearing back upstairs, most likely to help the others.

The green eyed man didn't waste anytime in slamming the door open and rushing over to Christina who was watching him with wide eyes.

"Harry?" She had tears rolling down her dirt stained cheeks, Harry gave her a reassuring look untying her hands and unlocking the chains with the key he had managed to snatch off of Andrew.

"I missed you so much." She cried clinging onto Harry as she ignored the immense pain shooting throughout her body.

Harry smashed his lips against hers in a chaste kiss before picking her up bridal style and quickly walking her out of the place they were in.

They wouldn't be safe until they were back in California.

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