Chapter 30

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I was crying
And you held
Me, even when
She told you to
Stop. - Me

Christina's POV

I decided it would be best if I stayed with Harry rather than go home and hear mother yell at me, I was sure the school called her and I'm just glad I decided to turn off my phone.

Harry was in the kitchen trying to show off his cooking skills as I stayed in the living room watching the t.v.
It was weird, Harry lived in such a large house, I would've gone insane without someone here with me. Before I could feel bad my mind registered my thoughts and I realized that Harry preferred it this way.

I mean if I had the money I would most definitely buy a large house but Harry lived in this perfect mansion alone. I don't know why the thought bothered me to the point where I began to overthink it.

How did Harry even afford this place? He had told me it was completely paid out. I knew he had a job at the gym but it was a bit weird to me if I was being honest however I didn't dwell on it to long.

Harry came out of the kitchen just as I began to turn on my phone. He handed me a plate causing me to smile at him muttering a thanks. It surprised me when he pecked my cheek before sitting next to me and pressing play on the movie I picked out.

I didn't mind, feeling the heat rise to my cheek I dipped my head an attempt to hide the blush painting my cheeks, but by the way he chuckled I knew he noticed. Grabbing the iPad that controlled the lights Harry turned them off whilst I took a bite of the pasta Harry made.

Making a surprised noise I gave Harry a thumbs up, it was one of the best things I've ever tasted.

"You've got skills Styles." Harry shook his head glancing at the television before laughing.

"Finding Nemo? Really babe." I felt a warm feeling go through me at the word 'babe', Harry had offered us to go to the theatre room but I declined, nonetheless I sheepishly nodded scrolling through the messages and amounts of missed calls on my lock screen.

Ignoring them I scooted closer to Harry. Resting my head on his side I set my plate on my curled up legs continuing to eat loving the feeling over Harry wrapping his free arm around me.

It wasn't until halfway through the movies when are empty plates were on the table in front us did I get the call.

Instead of mothers name flashing across the screen my dad's did, they must've been desperate to get me to answer so I did with Harry stealing a glance at me, then pausing movie knowing that I had previously been caught up in it.

"Christina, you need to come to the hospital right now." His voice wasn't stern, it was instead quiet and croaky as if he had been crying for days.

"Is everything okay? What happened?" Questions flooded through my head and out of my mouth whilst I hurriedly grabbed my bag and put on my shoes.

"N-No it's you brother he-just  hurry." Tears were welling up in my eyes at the mention of Cory, I hung up momentarily forgetting about Harry who had silently followed me outside without me knowing.

He didn't speak only unlocked the car doors and waited for me to get in.

Once I got in I told him to go to the local hospital, that's then he realized something bad had happened.

But what I adored was he gave me a soft smile as if reassuring me that everything would be okay instead of pushing me to tell him.

It was a completely different Harry that I loved the fact I could get to see and know, something told me not a lot of people saw this side of Harry.

Reaching over the console Harry intertwined our fingers and began to drive there.


Before we got to the hospital I had forgotten about mothers hatred with all my focus on my little brother so I walked inside with him and to say mother was furious was an understatement.

The second she saw us she stood up from her chair opening her mouth to begin her stupid fit.

Fortunately my dad gave her a hard look before approaching us, it disgusted me what mother was doing, Cory was in the hospital and she barely even looked upset.

"What happened." Mother huffed going back to her seat when my dad swallowed the lump in his throat. I took in my dad's state, his eyes were filled with tears and were bloodshot. He looked exhausted, it broke my heart if I was being honest. As if he was reading my mind Harry wrapped his arm around me.

"He has brain tumor." That's when the first tear left my eye.

My dad must've gotten the hint I needed a moment when I turned in Harry hold burying my face into his chest.

Simply Harry held me murmuring to me that it would okay, I knew he had never been in a situation where he had to comfort someone but I didn't care as long as he was holding me I would be okay.

Harry walked us over to a chair where I sat in his lap refusing to move.

My dad began to explain to me why he had the tumor, it was from when he had got hit by the car, from there it developed. He had fainted today and was currently in surgery.

Mother glared at Harry and I from her seat, it infuriated me because my brother was ill and she was acting like a child just because she didn't get her way. From what I observed my father seemed fine with Harry and I, not completely but he wasn't as bad as her.

"Do you need anything?" Harry's husky voice brought me back from my thoughts. Shaking my head I rested my head in his chest as he rubbed circles into my hand that he was holding with his thumb.

"If you need something tell me Chrissy." Simply I nodded, I knew he was worried, we had been here for over four hours waiting for a doctor and it the procedure was only supposed to take two and half hours.

Exhaustion was slowly taking over me, I however refused to sleep.

Lucas and Brianna had came an hour ago and it broke my heart to watch Lucas crying. I knew he had a crush on my brother, I'd imagine this situation was taking a large toll on him.

It was doing the same to me.

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