Chapter 61

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[sorry it's so short. and for not updating I didn't have any space on my phone.]

You're looking in the wrong place for my love - Zayn Malik

I immediately broke our eye contact before rushing inside, once inside I let out a breathe I hadn't realized I was holding in. My head began to spin but nonetheless I made my to my locker where Brianna was standing, I had informed her I was coming into school today and she promised to help me through it.

People stared at me, some beginning to whisper to their friends, it made me feel self conscious but nonetheless I sighed and approached Brianna.

Her immediate action was to hug me, I didn't hesitate to hug back. It felt good to know I had someone I could come to. I had lost so much people in my life I was afraid to loose anymore.

She didn't bother asking me if I was okay, patting my back as she looked behind me, I knew it was because Harry and the other had walked in, Brianna's face contorted from calm to angered in a split second, as she was about to walk up to them I gently wrapped my fingers around her wrist and shook my head. It wasn't worth the stress all of this was causing her.

I refrained from looking behind me as I made my way to class with Brianna.


The day had went fairly well, a few people approaching Brianna and I to express their sympathy and curiosity to me. It was a bit overwhelming but Brianna never once left my side, despite Zayn wanting to meet her for lunch.

Zayn thankfully hadn't asked about what was happening between Harry and I, I don't think I could talk about it right now. I was hurt and I was trying to not show it, trying to hide behind the curtains so people wouldn't be able to see the truth.

When the end of the day came I was waiting outside for Andre, he had told me he would be here soon being caught up in work and forgetting to come pick me up.

"Christina..." My breathe hitched, to afraid to turn around as my body went frigid. I didn't want to see his face, but my body pinned against my head as I turned to face Harry.

"No." Was the first thing that came out of my mouth, I didn't want him near me right now.

"Please just let me-"

"Explain? Don't you get it, there's nothing to explain Harry. Nothing. If you want to explain something go explain it to her." I couldn't even say her name, I was so disgusted by her.

But not as much as I was with this whole situation.

For the first time I could feel Harry's eyes sadden, my heart dropped but I quickly snapped my head up when a heard a beep from a car.

I looked at Andre waiting in the car with furrowed eyebrows at Harry, I shook my head at Harry who seemed to get sadder, I went to walk away but he grabbed my wrist and tugged me back to him.

"Please." His voice cracked, I saw tears brim his eyes but I shook my hand free and ran to the car wiping my own tears.

Andre once again didn't say anything and only drove. I sighed resting my head on the window watching the passing trees, my eyes sting as I wiped away the rest of my tears.

I contemplated talking to Harry, but it was too soon. I would end up hurting my self mentally if I did. I was never in this situation before and the pain was unfamiliar and brutal.

When we arrived at Andre's apartment I collapsed on the couch.


*a week later*

My hands shook as Brianna led me to the park, she told me she had wanted to speak to me but I had a feeling something was off, she seemed to be sad and her whole personality had shifted to one of sadness, I wanted to know what was wrong as I saw Zayn waiting on a bench, I looked at her with questioning eyes but she only shook her eyes with tears in her eyes threatening to spill.


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