Chapter 18

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We climb to the top of mountains, but they don't break, so how come when you climbed to the top of my heart, it broke? - Me

Christina's POV

My mouth was dry and the room was cold when I woke up in the morning, Harry wasn't in the room and doubt began to rush over me, should I have pushed him away yesterday? Maybe I should've, because now I was left alone in a large king sized bed after doing....things with him.

My mind told me not to jump to conclusions but it was a normal reaction for me.

A sigh left my mouth as I scrambled out of the bed but when I made my way throughout the twist and turns of Harry's gigantic house I found myself in the gym, where I fortunately found Harry. At least he didn't flee his own house because of me. Noticing my presence his greens eyes looked up to meet my brown ones and by the creepy smile and steps towards me I didn't know what to expect.

But when he wrapped his around me in a tight hold I shrieked, he was sticky with sweat and I wanted to get out of his hold.

Groaning at my struggle I let it set that there wasn't a way out of his hold and slumped against him.

"You're so submissive Chrissy." He whispered hotly into my ear causing a shiver to run down my spine.

I giggled softy when he swayed us back and forth, "I have to head into work soon." Nodding I waited for him to unwrap his arms from around me and when he did so I went in search for my clothes from yesterday. My phone was dead seeing as I had fallen asleep without putting it on charge with a spare charger Harry had, which also meant I would be curious about who had texted me last night until I was able to get a hold of my charger at home.

Harry had muttered something about driving me home and the thought alone had me drowning, I would be all alone. Brianna had said that she would be going out with Zayn today so she wasn't an option.

I wasn't too close to the others so I'm guessing it would be a Netflix day for me.

I had finished changing and was silently waiting for Harry to come back downstairs, once he did I had already told him to grab the keys to his Range Rover because there was no way I would get on the motorcycle.

He had simply chuckled swinging his keys around his finger.

"Let's go."

Once we reached my house I reached forward to push the door open but Harry gently wrapped his hand around my wrist and pulled me back, when I looked back at him he pulled me in and softly placed his lips on mine.

My eyes fluttered shut for a second before opening again when he pulled away.

"See you later Chrissy."

Chrissy, I liked it no one really called me anything other then Christina. But the way it rolled off his tongue smoothly just gave me a weird, but extravagant, feeling.

"See you later."

When I got into the house the first thing I did was go to my room change into something more comfortable and out my phone on charge.

I didn't feel hungry so I did what I said I would, I watched movies on Netflix.

After a non stop two hours of a movie I decided to retrieve my phone from upstairs, which took a majority of effort to get up from the comfortable position I was in.

Once upstairs I took the device off of the white charger it was on and gasped when I saw the text.

From Andre xD : Hey Christina, I'm in Cali for a week and wondered if we could catch up?

A grin began to spread upon my lips, Andre was a really good friend I had back in New York and it was hard leaving him there, we both had been left in tears having to let go of each other. To catch up with him and see him again would be absolutely perfect.

To Andre xD : Sure! Um, we could meet up at the local mall?

Unlike me, Andre had came here before so he would know what I was talking about. After confirming with him I changed once again, shutting off the tv I made my way to the mall.

When I got there it was barley empty, people roamed about but I was caught off guard when a body pressed against mine and hands went over my eyes.

"Guess who?"

"Andre!" He had always done that to me in the past, once on my thirteenth birthday he had worn a gorilla mask and when I turned around I had screamed and hit him across his face.

Once he removed his hands I launched myself at him, his grip on me was tight but I didn't mind, however I found myself thinking about Harry, whenever he had his arms around me I felt far more secure and safe, but I didn't dwell on it for too long.

"Have you grown? Nah still taller than you." It was something he knew I hated but still teased me, back home everyone had been taller than me and I was the small one of the group.

"Come on let's go inside." Nodding I followed after him, it was great to see him again and although it's only been a little over a month since we moved it was still good to hear his voice face to face instead of over the phone.


We had gone into endless amounts of shops and when we came out of a makeup one we were laughing non-stop, well I was.

"You should go to the bathroom and wipe it off." When he wasn't paying attention I had asked a worker if I could use one of the samples to play a trick on him and she had happily complied.

By the time he had turned around I had quickly swiped the lipstick on his lips.

"I'll be back." I could see him fighting off a smile so I grinned childishly at him.

However when he left it was wiped off when something, or better yet someone, came into view.

My stomach was in knots in an instant.

Harry, he was near the wall, but the girl from the diner yesterday was next to him with their lips attached.

I felt like I was going to be sick, wasn't he supposed to be at work? The thought was bitter in my head. He had lied to me, but I guess that's what he did to girls.

Oh god, I let him do that to me last night. I could feel tears rimming my eyes but I blinked them away, well I tried. As if sensing my gaze Harry pulled away from her and began looking around.

Until eventually his eyes landed on me.

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