Chapter 40

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Though I tried to get you out of my mind, the truth is I got lost without you. - One Direction, Half A Heart.

Christina's POV

My eyes snapped open staring at my door.

Could that be my dad? Was he coming home early? All these thoughts were running through my head and I didn't know what to do.

Do I go hide somewhere? My dad normally didn't come to check on me, maybe he was being over protective of me because of everything that's happened.

My doorknob twisted causing my attention to be focused on it, it couldn't be my dad.

No matter what my dad always knocked....

I clutched the sheets, anticipation coursing through my veins, my body frozen at the door slowly creaked open.

A scream left my mouth and I reached for a pillow and threw it at the person before closing my eyes and going under the sheets as if they would protect me.

"Christina what the hell?" The voice was familiar and amused as I removed he blanket from my face.


"You left your sweater in my car silly." I let out a breathe watching as he placed it in my closet before saying goodbye and leaving.

I let my head hit the pillow again and my eyes fluttered shut, one last thought before I fell asleep.

I locked the door when I came in.


I walked into Brianna's house, her mom gave me a small smile. But I could see the sadness trapped inside her eyes. A grieving mother, I could imagine loosing a child would be tortuous. I wanted to know why she was crying, sure I was going through a lot as well but so she was. I'm willing to put away time for her, I know what it's like to yearn for someone to just be there for you.

I gently knocked on her door hoping Zayn wasn't here. It took a few seconds for her to answer, immediately her arms encircled around me. Sobs shook her body causing my heart to break, I felt for her.

"Shh, it'll be fine." I walked into her room watching her wipe away her tears, a frustrated look on her face.

"He broke up with me." She whispered quietly, my eyes widened. I knew she wouldn't want to talk much about it so I only enveloped her in another hug.

She cried, just from the sound of it I could tell it hurt her majorly.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, I didn't want to check it but Brianna only nodded.

It was a text from Harry.

Come over later? I need to talk to you.

I sent him a simple okay before going back to comforting Brianna, she looked pale and fragile. I noticed she had another tattoo, it was a small anchor with the words, "set beauty free" underneath it.

She was strong and I only hoped she would make it through everything that was being thrown at her.

"When do you start back at school?" She asked quietly, I knew she wanted to get her mind off of things so I complied.

"I have to stay another week at this one and then I come back."

She nodded, a smile gracing her lips, "its been boring without you."


It was drizzling outside when I arrived at Harry's place. My car was blasting out some type of song that I didn't know the name to, it was okay but it wasn't that good.

Sighing to myself I looked up at his house with hesitation, I didn't know what he had to say. Was it so bad that he couldn't possibly break up with me?

The whole mood with the weather and my thoughts caused a gloomy feeling but I couldn't bother with it today. I wanted to just get this over with.

My dad had called me saying he wouldn't be home until tomorrow morning due to some late shifts he took up at work, I was overall grateful he wasn't taking a different distraction to help him through everything.

I couldn't cope if he started to abuse drugs or alcohol for help during the situations we're in, it could end up killing him. It's why I'm trying to put my best effort in through this whole thing to be there for him.

Harry had given me a key to his house so I unlocked the door and stepped inside, hardy was sat in the living room and his head snapped up when he heard my footsteps.

His eyes brightened when he saw me, it's only been a few days but God did I miss him.

"Chrissy.." He breathed out, standing up from the couch and making his way to me. I didn't flinch away when he placed his hands on my cheeks, his thumb running over my skin, instead I leaned into the touch.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered, my voice barely audible. Harry simply shook his head with a frown etched on his lips.

"I'm the one who overreacted, I feel the need to protect you all the time and I can't do that if I don't know everything going on, yes it could be someone messing around but it could also be something very serious." I nodded pushing my face into his neck, I missed his warmth, his scent, his everything.

"I've missed you." My voice made me sound pathetic but Harry only tightened his arms around me.

"I went to see my mom." I muttered as Harry led me to the couch, he pulled me against his chest with his arms going around my waist.

"How was it?"

"Relieving." I replied turning to look at him, I was content here. His eyed shining as he looked down at me, the way he leaned down to place his soft lips onto mine. This is where I wanted to be, this is where I belonged.

No matter how many times things will go wrong, or what happens between us he's my safe haven. I depended on him for the feeling of safety.

And that's what scared me.

My happiness, my tears, my anger, my frustration, my pleasure, everything was placed on one person, my main source. And when my main source runs out what the hell do I do?

There was that little nagging voice in the back of my head telling me I would fail miserably, that ritually everything would go wrong. I didn't know what to think so I only savored the feeling I was having tucked into Harry's warmth.

I'm falling, and falling hard at that.

[a/n: the perfect EP is amazing.]

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