Chapter 43

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"Does he know you can move it like that? Does he know you're out and I want you so bad? Tonight you're mine baby, does know that you'll never go back? I catch your eye then you turn away, but there's no hiding the smile on your face." One Direction, Does he know?

Christina's POV

I woke up with my naked chest pressed against Harry's bare upper body, images of last night flooded back to my mind causing me to blush.

My mind was clouded with what I felt last night, the pleasure he brought me. I turned my attention to Harry who was sleeping with his mouth shut, he looked serious yet peaceful at the same time. I let my fingers trail against his tattoos before my finger went to his face, as my finger trailed the outline of his lips Harry smirked before slightly biting my finger.

Quickly I snatched my finger back, playfully glaring at Harry, who only chuckled bringing me on top of him.

I smiled burying my face into his neck, I wanted this moment to never end but unfortunately it had to.

"C'mon I need to go to work babe." I sighed rolling off of Harry who told me to get ready, I had asked him why and he claimed that I would be going with him. It made me laugh because working out was not in my zone.

He had assured me that I wouldn't do anything but watch, so that's how I found myself in a room full of girls, who seemed to just be here for Harry, in a gym room. Harry had explained that today was his all girls class, due to the girls explaining that they were uncomfortable with a man staring at them whilst they were working out.

It was honestly rubbish in my mind, why sign up for Harry's class? He's an man, he's watching you. I rolled my eyes watching the girls try and impress Harry. It didn't amuse me, I already knew what that feeling stirring in my stomach was, jealousy.

When first entering the room with Harry the girls shot me nasty looks, it made me think back to what Ashlyn said, she was far more good looking than me, I wondered what connections she had with Harry. It made me squirm with all the eyes on me when Harry glanced over at me to make sure I was okay, the girls all followed his gaze.

Once the class was finished Harry made his over to me, before he could speak to me a girl with short brunette hair walked over to him, cleavage spilling out of her sports bra.

"Hey Harry, I don't know if I feel comfortable enough to be working out in front of all these people. Do you think I can have one on one sessions?" She played with her, twirling it around her finger as if she was in a cliché movie. I kept quiet, knowing not to cause a sene.

Harry's eyebrows furrowed and a frown was displayed on his lips, "I'm not a personal trainer, you can ask Tom." Harry held out his hand for me, to which I placed in his. The girl glared at me for a moment before turning to him again, "why does she get private sessions?" I could visibly see Harry getting annoyed so I squeezed his hand to signal that it was fine and I wasn't hurt by it, although I really was.

"I'm not her trainer, I'm her boyfriend. Now if you'll excuse us..." The unknown girl walked away with a huff, being the nosey people they were the girls around us were listening in on the conversation and began to murmur about us.

Harry only pulled me closer to his side, grumbling something about them being sluts. It put me at ease that Harry didn't except the flirting, he could tell it made me uncomfortable and made sure to make me feel okay. No ones ever done something remotely close to that, given I haven't had a boyfriend before but still.

I didn't get why people told me all these horrific stories on how he would break my heart when it hasn't even happened before, I just didn't know that I would be taking back my words very soon.


When we got back to Harry's house there was a girl standing by his door, here face crinkling in disgust when she saw me. I quickly recognized her as Ashlyn.

Harry's hand squeezed mine as she approached us, I didn't know how she knew where Harry lived but that was the least of my worries.

But the more I thought about it, I didn't really know much about Harry. Was that a good or bad thing? I couldn't decide because a smirk formed on Ashlyn's lip as she approached us.

"Hi Harry." She batted her eyes at him causing Harry to roll his eyes, "go away Ashlyn." He was seething now, fury building in his eyes.

"What if I don't want to?" My presence was being completed ignored right now, it scared me to even be next to Harry when I knew he could grow angrier than he had been before. 

Harry stepped forward but I tugged his hand, Ashlyn noticed sending me a snarky smile, her painted red lips spreading into a sickeningly sweet smile.

"How are you Christina?" Harry pulled me into his side his hand clenching mine, if I was being honest it was beginning to hurt. A laugh escaped Ashlyn's mouth, it was as if she had gone mental.

Her voice was barley above a whisper when she spoke this time, her eyes boring into Harry's eyes, "you're hurting her." Harry immediately looked at me, my face contorted to show the pain I was in from my aching hand. Quickly Harry released my hand telling me he was sorry.

Ashlyn winked at him muttering something to me about this not being the last time. I looked at Harry but he only shook his head.

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