Chapter 12

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We all have our bliss, we all have our oblivion, we all have our comfort zones, come let me show you mine. - Me

Christina's POV

"Christina?! I left my purse!" I quickly pushed Harry off of me when I heard Brianna's voice. I had forgotten to lock the door and if Brianna came upstairs looking for me and saw Harry I knew she would go off on me.

"It should be on the table! I'm in the shower!" I shouted back, hopefully she wouldn't question why there wasn't any water running, I knew that girl would've left something.

"Oh yeah, alright bye!" I let out a deep breathe watching as Harry smirked in amusement at me but seconds later pulling down onto his chest.

"I wanna take you somewhere." He mumbled his British accent deep in my ear because I had my face pressed into his neck to hide my blush, which had appeared because of our approximate space. I didn't let myself think about it and just nodded. I let myself believe that I could trust him because it gave me a chance to just be stupid and naive again. I craved it and as much as I didn't want to admit it, Harry was making me crave it.

I willed myself off of him to get changed, me and Brianna had been dancing around in these clothes and I didn't want to go out in them because it was getting a bit chillier.

After throwing on a pair of skinny jeans and a long sleeved shirt in the bathroom I followed Harry outside where his motorcycle was. He had luckily parked a block down and I was pretty sure Zayn was doing his own thing.

I didn't particularly like the sight of his motorcycle, I knew he had one because I saw it when he parked his Range Rover into the garage and it was there. However I didn't think he would make me go on it at any time.

I was almost timid on telling him I'm not getting on it but I did.

When I did his eyes narrowed on me as he got onto the bike and tossed me a helmet.

"You should be thankful I even brought one of those." He spoke referring to the helmet by nodding at it, I noticed he didn't have one on and it occurred to me that he had a death wish. Well that or he's crazy, I willed myself not to believe the latter, then I wouldn't get near the motorcycle.

Mother would kill me if she even saw I was looking at one in anything but disgust. A voice in the back of my head taunted me saying that she wasn't here, but another telling me Harry was danger.

It was probably Brianna's voice.

Shakily putting on the helmet and getting onto the death machine Harry took off without warning, which resulted in me immediately wrapping my arms around his torso tightly, well what was tight to me. Harry didn't flinch, instead chuckled and smirked afterwards. I knew he was enjoying it too much but I didn't want to die.

My eyes were shut in fear and I let myself rest my head on his back, I could feel him tense momentarily but relax seconds later. It was like no stop light wanted to turn red when we went so the ride was nonstop.

When Harry stopped driving I loosened my grip and looked up, we were in an abandoned street with only one building.

I was going to get raped and killed.

"C'mon." Surprisingly Harry grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers, but what surprised me more is that it sent tingles up my arm. That was only supposed to happen in books, or movies.

Hesitantly following him into the run down building my eyes roamed around the place. Harry seemed to just ignore everything and continue to lead me upstairs. I was afraid the steps would give in but thankfully they didn't.

There were multiple rooms but Harry stopped at a cramped one that had a single bed with a toilet and sink right next to it.

Harry walked in pushing open the window and pushing the red curtains aside. He proceeded to lay down on the bed with little to no reluctancy with his head facing the window and his feet pressed against the designed bars. He had taken off his shoes and his arms were above his head. He looked peaceful and I didn't want to disturb him, but I didn't know what I was supposed to do.

Before I could second think about what I was supposed to do he spoke, his eyes still closed, "Come on Christina." My cheeks reddened and I nodded to myself. The bed was small and I didn't even know if it could hold the both of us, but I was so tiny so I managed to fit on it without trouble.

Harry moved one of his hands to wrap around my waist and it didn't matter about the setting we were in the moment felt like utter bliss.

We stayed like that, the silence was beautiful and pure. I could feel Harry tugging me out of the bed and I complied. We put on our shoes and proceeded on leaving the room. I didn't want to think too much of this day but that same voice in the back of my mind kept telling me that Harry wasn't one to take a girl here, or do this. I knew he was strictly a fuck and leave type of person. So why did he alway show up back to me? I kept myself tamed however, it could all be a game but at the same time I just wanted to let go and have fun. As to whatever heartbreak came with it I'd have to deal with it myself.

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