Chapter 39

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Sometimes, we're fooled by many things. We can decided to drown in our thoughts or allow ourselves to go out on the edge, but sometimes people tend to fall off the edge because they don't know what else to do after reality eats away their dreams. Their insight is blinded by their nightmares and suddenly they can't see where they're walking, until it's too late. - Me

Third Person's POV

It's odd how some things work out, from where a man once shouted that he hated his dad and his dad took his last breathe thinking he was hated. It's funny how when we do things we do them at the wrong time. Like when we try to pre-order something online but it sells out.

Things in life are inevitable. They can't be stopped, they're planned.

We also don't expect many things, most actions are hidden away, true personalities aren't detectable with the naked eye.

For this certain person it was like that, the person grazed his thumb over the picture that was framed, "soon." They  whispered to it as if she could hear their voice, she was wearing a pink dress that went slightly passed her knees, her brother was kneeling in front of her with her two parents smiling at the camera, the mother's obviously fake.

"Just you wait Christina." A grin spread across the person's face, patience was all it took.

Christina's POV

"André, let me out." All he did was give me a guilty look, "I can't."

"Why?" He was starting to freak me out and my breathing was speeding up when I thought back to the texts. His name started with an A, but the letter could mean anything.

"I promised your dad I would get you home straight away, I was talking to him before you called me to come pick you up." He responded, it put me slightly at ease but why did he say it so creepy? I only pressed my lips together in a straight line, my dad was one to often worry drastically.

No other words were exchanged afterwards, I was too caught up in my thoughts to start a conversation. Something felt off.

I wondered why Brianna was crying, I could ask André to go back and offer her a ride but she looked like she wanted to be outside, did it have something to do with Lucas? Something told me it was much more but it could just because of all that happened.

All I knew was I needed to go home and get a good shower and sleep in. I'm sure my dad figured out where I had went so he would want to talk to me about that but surely he would agree to let me shower and sleep because of how stressed I was. I didn't want to tell him about Harry and I's falling out, although he deserved to know why I was acting strange. I'm pretty sure locking myself in my room and barely talking would be considered strange for my behavior.

The last thing I wanted was my dad worrying, he needed a bit of relaxation as well. He had to deal with getting Mothers things moved without her being obliged to come over, however she kept insisting that she wanted to come get them herself but I'm pretty sure she only wanted to say more hurtful things.

But then a though occurred to me, "hey André?"

"Yeah?" His eyes, thankfully, stayed focused on the road as he answered me.

"Why were you talking to my dad?"

He seemed to freeze, hesitant to answer, "it's not important."

"It obviously had to be, I'm locked in a car." He seemed to think about his answer before sighing.

"I'm worried about how you're doing with everything that's happened to you."

"Why didn't you just come to me?" He only shrugged causing me to sigh this time. I've known him for a long time he wouldn't hurt me, would he? I thought about calling Harry to calm my nerves down but immediately stopped myself, he was mad at me and I didn't want to make things worse by provoking him further.

Resting my head against the window I let my eyes trail over the passing houses, buildings, and trees as André continued to drive.

When we did get to my house I quickly thanked André before trying to leave but he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I just wanted to ask if you wanted to do something tomorrow, get your worried mind off of everything." Too tired to say no I nodded absentmindedly, after giving him one last smile I left his car.

He had told me he was talking to my dad but my dad's car wasn't here, brushing it off I made my way upstairs to my room.

Exhaustion was clear in my features when I caught my reflection in the mirror, it caused me to grimace. I looked horrendous.

I wanted to ask Brianna what she was crying about but it didn't look like she was home yet, I would wait for her but I knew what it was like wanting to be left alone.

Grabbing my headphones from my side drawer I plugged them into my phone before putting my playlist on shuffle.

Aftertaste by Shawn Mendes came on causing my eyes to flutter shut, I wasn't falling asleep yet just allowing the lyrics to take over my senses.

I let my thoughts wander far of to a curly haired boy who seemed to be always taking over my mind. Unwilling at times too.

Harry was someone different, there was a lot of things I felt I got to see that others didn't, but I thought about it more and I knew I couldn't assume that. I barely knew anything about his family nor his past.

I remember when I had first seen him fighting with Zayn, I was scared but I still got pulled forward and stopped it. I could feel my mind drifting farther to the point where sleep was beckoning over me, too tired I almost missed the footsteps coming up to my room.

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