Chapter 45

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"Open your eyes, shut up and give it a try." - Stand Up, The cab

Christina's POV

I silently trailed behind Harry watching his face as we climbed the creaking stairs, but his face was blank and void of any emotion. A sigh left my mouth but Harry didn't hear, the run down building made me cringe because I felt as it would collapse on me at any given second.

We made it to the room where Harry had brought me to a few months ago, it was weird I had met him so long ago, it was weird because it felt as it was just yesterday.

My eyes met his, I was swimming in him. Lost without any direction, he pulled me close to him his hands shaking. I could tell something was bothering him, so I closed the space between us and placed my lips against his. It was the first time I made the first move but all I was focused on was just taking his mind some place else.

After pulling away I noticed a pained expression in Harry's features, there was something about this place that made Harry think back to his past, which probably wasn't the best, I had heard some gruesome stories about him and his past, I was itching to ask him about it but I knew it wouldn't be the smartest thing to do. So I kept my mouth quiet and watched as Harry closed his eyes and breathed deeply, I thought it would be something cliché. Like when we were in the car and I would look at him and realize it, but it was too strong to ignore.

I love Harry.

It scared me shitless but what was I supposed to do? It wasn't something that would go away like the flu, no amount of medicine could cure this, but I don't think I would want it "cured".

The only thing was that I'm not sure if harry returned the feelings, or if he ever would. the thought of never being loved back made me sick to the stomach, but what could I do? I couldn't just out and ask him, his world didn't work that.


I woke up in my room the next day, the space next to me empty and cold. The first thing I did was check my phone I don't remember coming home last night. Something didn't feel right, the house was in an eerie silence, a cold wind drifting throughout my room. I tried to reach for my phone but I couldn't find it, I muttered a curse under my breathe, Harry's habits of swearing rubbing off on me a bit. My eye's widened when I heard a door slamming shut downstairs.

Third Person's POV

Harry let out an annoyed sigh, Zayn had texted him a few minutes ago after he had dropped Christina at her house, her dad had called him and told him to drop her off, there was something off about his voice but Harry didn't have time, Zayn's text seemed urgent. He assumed it was something about Brianna and Perrie, but he knew Zayn wouldn't seem to be so rushed if it was about that. Harry impatiently tapped his foot on the damp ground of the alley, he leaned against the wall rolling his eyes, Zayn was always late.

After fifteen minutes of waiting for the raven haired boy to make an appearance Harry huffed angrily, the second he saw Zayn at school he was going to kill him, as he walked out of the alley he got this weird twist in his gut, it was something that made him start to pick up his pace and wish he had brought his motorcycle or Range Rover.

Unfortunately he didn't.

As he made his way to Christina's house he fished his phone out of his pocket and pressed on Zayn's contact.

It rang for a few seconds before a groggy voice answered, it made Harry slightly angry that Zayn had fell asleep instead of meting up with Harry.

"Oi Malik, don't waste my time like that ever again." Harry lit a cigarette and placed it between his lips, he knew Christina hated when he smoked so he rarely did it around her.

"Mate what are ya on 'bout?" Harry went onto a rant on what Zayn had texted him and how long he had waited outside for him.

"Sorry but I haven't had any connection to the outside world, with the exception of this current conversation, since yesterday. I've been glued to my bed." Harry pinched the bridge of his nose, he didn't like to be messed around with, someone was playing with his game and he didn't like it. He growled to himself after hanging up on Zayn, little to no words were spoken from Harry as he rushed to Christina's house, for some odd reason he felt that she was in danger.

        Christina's POV

I stared at the door with an obvious frightened look on my face, I didn't have anything to protect myself with. But what if it was Harry or my dad, I wouldn't want to hit them with a lamp when they answered the door, but something similar had happened and it was only Andre, so why would it be anything different? My head was spinning but I kept my eyes focused on the door, refusing to even lift my attention from it. I was cowering in fear, it was like my feet were glued to the carpet, I glanced at the window, I could pull a Harry and jump out of it but I new I was too much of a baby to do so.

I let out a shaky breathe as another coat of silence hung through the air. I almost thought it was safe to go and investigate downstairs but I heard something shatter causing me to stay where I was, instead of wanting my mom, my brother, or my dad I only wanted Harry. I wanted him here to wrap his muscular arms around me and tell me that everything would be okay, that I could trust him.

Expecting the door to swing open when i heard something else shatter I clenched my eyes shut, but then my eyes snapped open as I felt breathing over my shoulder and a familiar voice whisper into my ear, "He's in back of you."

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