Chapter 58

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"things were all good yesterday." - ed sheeran

Christina's POV

I watched as Harry tensed and put back the guitar from where it was previously placed, I hoped this would've been on of those situations where Harry didn't shut me out and actually talked to me.

As I was going to open my mouth to speak Harry shoved me against the bed and attached our lips, "I just got you back, he's not fucking taking you back away from me." He muttered pressing his forehead against mine, normally this would've sent out warning bells in my head but he was speaking quietly, I could see weakness behind his eyes and hear sincerity laced thickly in his words.

"I don't want him to." I replied back weakly. But what could I do? I had no where else to go. I wasn't sure if I could change his mind, it would've been amazing if I could but my dad probably had his mind set on this, and once someone has their mind set on something it could end up being implanted in their mind until they accomplish it.

"But what can I do?" I asked avoiding his eyes, I heard Harry sigh before he brought me back against his chest only this time we were in sitting position, "move in with me?" he asked quietly into my neck, my heartbeat sped up a little. A small smile toyed on my lips as I nodded.

It wouldn't be too bad right? What was the worst that could happen, there was no going back now.

Harry and I had decided after two hours of sitting around in a comfortable silence it was time to start heading back to his place, or what was to become ours.

When we got there I collapsed on the couch from exhaustion muttering into the couch pillows for Harry to carry me up the stairs.

I heard him chuckle before my body was being lifted into the air, I sighed contently nuzzling my face into Harry's neck not bothering to open my eyes as Harry placed me gently onto the bed.

"Do you not wanna change?" Harry asked softly, I mumbled something incoherent in response before speaking more clearly, "do it for me." After the worlds left my mouth Harry toyed off my shirt and stripped off my skinny jeans, after snapping the strap of my bra against my back, and proceeding to kiss the spot it hit when I groaned in pain, Harry asked me if I wanted it off or not.

"You can take it off." Harry hummed unclamping the hook and turning me over so he could take it off fully before I rolled back onto my stomach. "Do you want a shirt or no?" I wanted to scream at all the questions because all that was clouding my mind was sleep, and only sleep.

Instead of speaking I shook my head as Harry placed the duvet over me before stripping down clad to nothing but his boxers and coming into the bed, bringing me into his arms.

And yeah, this was what feeling safe was to me. Right here in Harry's arms, now all I had to do was break the news to my dad.


"Do you think you can just take my daughter away from me?"

I knew this wouldn't have been a good idea.

Everything had gone smoothly this morning and by the afternoon I had told Harry we had to tell my dad about me moving into his house, we had put it off until now. To say the two men were angry was an understatement.

Harry stood up his eyes dark, "do you think you can just take away my girlfriend from me?!" I grabbed Harry's arm pulling him back down onto the couch, I gave my dad a warning look.

"Harry isn't making me do anything dad, this is something I want. Like you said, you don't want me to be somewhere I feel in danger? Well Harry's where I feel safe, I-I'm sorry, but this is my decision and it's u-up to you to support me or not." Tears filled my eyes threatening to spill. I watched as my dad sent Harry a glare, in which Harry returned, "very well then Christina. I guess that I should tell you that I'm moving to Florida."

The rest of the evening consisted of my dad and Harry helping me pack away my things, Harry wanted to get me moved in as soon as he could, I didn't know why he was so eager but I didn't dwell on it for too long.

I had texted Brianna about what had happened, and she was bummed that we wouldn't be neighbors anymore, but she would've had to eventually move in with Zayn because of the baby.

Everything seemed to be going perfect at the moment, I was sure that nothing could break through anymore.

On the way to what was now Harry and I'd house I put in my earbuds and pressed shuffle on my playlist.

"as he begins to raise his voice, you lower yours and grant him one last one more choice, drive until you loose the road, or break with the ones you follow."

I furrowed my eyebrows this song wasn't even on my playlist, however I kept listening to it as Harry continued to drive.

I let all my worries drift away as I looked out the window, it was around two in the morning and I knew we had an hour more of our car journey until we reached home so I rested my head again the glass and closed my eyes before drifting to sleep.

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