Chapter 36

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"I only love it when you touch me not feel me." - The Weekend, The Hills

Christina's POV

I woke up with Harry missing, it left me slightly saddened at the thought that he just got up and left, but with all he's done for me at the moment I knew I shouldn't be judging nor accusing him of anything.

I slowly crept downstairs when my stomach growled demanding food from me, I rolled my eyes because I was far too comfortable in Harry's bed to actually get up and make food.

Reluctantly I entered the kitchen furrowing my eyebrows when I noticed a piece of paper on the counter top. 

I had to go
into work, meet me at the gym after my shift ends and I'll take you out for lunch. - H x

As stupid as it sounds my heart swelled at the little 'x' at the end signaling a kiss. Butterflies seemed to fly and flutter their wings in my stomach because of the note. Blame a girl for becoming attached, but I knew it wasn't just getting attached to him.

I'm falling hard for him, and the only problem with the whole situation is I don't know if he'll be able to catch me or if he's even falling with me at all.

I pulled out my phone deciding to call my dad and check up on him. He didn't pick up causing me to frown, I tried not to think about it too much, I knew Brianna was with Zayn today so I didn't bother on calling her only sending her a text asking her how she was.

I checked the time seeing that I had a little time left I decided to just change and lounge around until it was time for me to leave, I didn't have my car with me so I would probably have to go with a cab to the gym.

My ringtone blared beside me interrupting my thoughts, thinking it was my dad returning my missed call I didn't take notice of the caller ID.


My body went rigid when I heard deep breathing on the other line, the line wasn't very clear it was breaking up but the voice sent shivers down my spine, "Watch out sweet little Christina."


I walked into the gym trying to seem unfazed, after the call I wasn't sure if I should've left Harry's house but I also didn't want to be alone. A small part of me still thinks this is only a harmless joke. No one has acted on their words and I didn't know who this person was, the voice on the line sounded mechanical so it could be anyone.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I jumped swiftly turning around to face a smirking Harry, "sorry." He muttered sheepishly. I only rolled my eyes in response. He was in his gym clothes, his muscles shown off clearly with sweat glistening on him.

I scrunched up my nose when he wrapped his arms around me, without thinking a squeak left my mouth, "Harry get off ew, go take a shower." Instead of listening he laughed twirling me around. I love seeing this Harry, the carefree one, I just didn't know what was to come later on.

"Harry you stink." I tried to keep a straight face but failed miserably when a giggle escaped past my lips and out my mouth.

Harry didn't respond with words, instead he flicked my nose and began to walk towards the showers, "maybe you should join me." I could feel my cheeks heating up so I ducked my head so that my hair fell in front of my face trying to hide the pink tint in my cheek. Now that I think about it Harry and I never did anything of the sort like that, only where he pleasured me. I decided not to dwell on the thought but it was hard seeing as I was once again left to my thoughts.

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