Chapter 24

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I'm bleeding, and all you do is laugh. - Me

Christina's POV

My eyes widened, he hadn't seen us and I wasn't scared for me but for Austin who had a friendly arm around my shoulders leading me to the car.

I however froze when Harry looked up his eyes catching the scene of Austin and I. His eyes turned dark, I tried to usher Austin to the car but he was too concerned to listen.

If I were him I would run to the car, lock it, and drive to Japan.

Harry got closer to us and I tried to tell Austin I was fine but he was asking me what had happened.
"Austin, seriously just please get in the car, like right now. Go to my house and tell Mother I'm staying at a friends house. Please." Finally listening to me he got into the car whilst Harry tried to pick up his pace.

Luckily as Harry got over to where I was Austin had drove off, I didn't know if Harry was the type to hit a girl but I'm sure he wouldn't physically hurt me.


Harry stormed up to me immediately slamming me against a wall.
"What. The. Fuck. Was. That?!" My breathing hitched staring into his dark eyes, they were no longer green.

"Harry please calm down and I'll explain." Harry gave me a look before unpinning me from the wall but grabbing my wrist and dragging me to his car. He was acting as if I was cheating on him.

"Explain." He spat the minute we go into the car making sure to put the safety lock on the car.

"Harry...." My eyebrows creased together when I caught sight of the gash on Harry's cheek.

"Ignore it, tell me what happened." He refused to look at me as he ran a hand through his hair.
"M-Mother, she made me go on a date with him. She wants me to have this perfect life so she thought making me go on this date would be a bright idea." Right after the words left my mouth I climbed over the console and placed myself on Harry's lap.

Without looking into his eyes I ran my finger over the cut. He didn't even flinch, it was like he was used to pain. The thought saddened me causing me to press my lips softly to the cut.

"You're mine."

"I'm yours."


Harry had taken me to my house with me telling him to do so because mother had told me to come home immediately.

Harry pressed his lips against mine before I was able to leave the car, my cheeks heating up at the gesture.

"Bye." I whispered getting out of the car before he drove off, but when I entered the house Mother and my dad stood waiting for me. My dad's facial expression was solemn with Mother's being infuriated.

I noticed Austin standing in the back a smirk planted on his lips.

"Christina, who was that?" Mothers voice was calm but it strained showing she was holding back on her anger.

"A f-friend." My voice was shaky, she knew something.

"Oh really? Then who's Harry?!" Her voice was loud as she mocked me.

"You are to never go near him ever again. You're grounded, I'm taking your phone-"

"You can't do that!" It was too late to go back but I found myself not wanting to, I held back on this for so long it was my time to show her that she couldn't just do this to me. She didn't have the right.

"To hell I will Christina, I can do what I want I am your mother."

"Christina don't even speak! Go to your room." I stared at my dad with tears blurring my vision. I gave him a betrayed look before running up the stairs.

A chocked sob left my mouth and I hoped Harry wouldn't mind turning back to come get me.

With shaky hands I dialed his number hoping he answered, but also not because he was driving.

"Chrissy?" All I could do was cry into the phone. Fortunately enough Harry understood something was wrong and quickly told me he'd be here before hanging up.

It didn't take long before I could hear rapid loud knocks from downstairs and some shouts downstairs causing me to quickly make my way downstairs.

Once Harry noticed my presence he stopped yelling at Mother and lift his attention to me, which of course caused mother and my father to do the same.

"Christina lets go." I could see he was restraining from hitting one of them but before I could step forward mother opened her mouth.

"She will be going no where with you!" I turned to glare at her but Harry was already stepping forward, quickly shoving both mother and my dad away I ran to his arms. I buried my face into his side tears wetting his t-shirt.

"Christina if you dare leave this hou-" Mother couldn't finish because Harry was already tugging me out of the doorway making sure to slam the door behind him.

The car ride to his house was silent, I didn't mind because I needed to silence to think. Every so often I would glance at Harry knowing he could sense my gazes.

When we did reach Harry's house I smiled at him gently reaching out for him to carry me, understanding Harry hooked his arm under my legs and the other one going around the middle of my back.

My face was pressed into his neck and I placed a gentle kiss to his neck.

Harry had given me a shirt he had, which of course was huge on me practically devoured me, however it was comfortable. I opted for no bottoms simply handing Harry's boxers back to him with a shy smile.

"Wanna tell me what happened?" Harry asked lifting the covers sliding into his bed next to me.

A sigh left my mouth with me cuddling into Harry's side, momentarily Harry tensed but proceeded to relax and wrap his arms around me.

"Mother found out about you, she wants me to have a perfect life and be the perfect grades. I try all the time to please her and she's always pushing me to do everything good. Grades, clothes, boys, everything has to be perfect to her. She's practically planning my life."

A frown was placed on Harry's lips, "How did she find out?"

"I think Austin told her."

"That dumb fucker she made you go on a date with?"

"Yeah..." I winced at his swearing watching as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'm going to kill him."

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