Chapter 3

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Christina's POV

Slowly blinking my eyes open a groan escaped my mouth. It was only my second day here and I already didn't want to get up for school.

However, my mom yelling at me to hurry up and get dress made me do otherwise, I heard her say something about hurrying up or I'm walking, but for a moment I considered purposefully taking my time, I don't want her to drive me because I'm capable of walking.

But I knew she would get upset if she found out that I was doing it on purpose, so rather hesitantly I walked over to my closet and picking out a yellow - pinkish type of sun dress. It met a little passed my knee, and I know half of my new school wears nothing longer than mid thigh, but honestly it wasn't my style.

Going to a new school didn't mean I was going to change my appearance and personality to fit in, not a chance.

My friends back at home admired that about me, but here I'm not so sure I can only hope they do. Sitting down at my dresser I decided to go light on the makeup, I wasn't much of a fan with it so I only did go light with it most of the time, unless I felt I needed something else.

Applying some mascara and a light pink eyeshadow, to match the pink in the dress, I decided against working with the eyeliner for today. And after simply putting a coat of a pink lipgloss I grabbed my bag and phone nearly bringing my phone charger with me.

Rushing down the stairs when I heard my mother yell one last time.

Once she saw my appearance she smiled laughing softly, "I see you decided to go pink today." Returning the smile I nodded, "Ready?" With that I followed her outside into the car, it was warm outside with a slight breeze but nonetheless it beat the cold weather in New York.

The drive was short and filled with a comfortable silence. Doing what I did the previous day I hugged my mom and walked into the school building and Brianna was quick to be at my side.

"Hey girly." I quirked an eyebrow at her as she smiled widely at me, well she was in a good mood. Muttering a simple 'hi' back to her I stuffed whatever I didn't need into my locker, my second day being here and I already had too much work from classes in my bag. Suddenly Ian and Jacob appeared beside us with Jacob smirking and Ian blushing, it was clear they had gotten up to 'things' it was actually sad to me, I hadn't even fortune my first kiss yet. Was I going to say anything? Hell no.

Brianna shot her two friends a knowing smile before turning to me, "So about that party, you're defiantly coming right?" Nodding my head Brianna frowned obviously noting my quite state.

"And why aren't you speaking missy?" There was a joking tone to it but I could tell she was connected so I simply shot her a small smile. I was a bit off because my little brother was coming in today, he had been left in New York with my aunt for a couple more days because of some mishap with his passport. Of course I was overly ecstatic. He was fourteen, but I didn't want him to be misjudged for who he was, he was gay and I know everyone was understanding to it at his old school but here I'm not so sure. Of course I've seen how some people acting towards Jacob and Ian, but some of them we're very nice.

"Come on, what's up?" Brianna was now pulling me towards home room and trying to invade my business, but I didn't care, when I got upset I always had to be soft and let my guard down. It was something I despised about myself.

So I spilled, Brianna however was quick to reassure me telling me that everything would be fine and that most people weren't judgmental. Even informed me that she had a gay brother too, same age as well. And yeah I was beginning to notice we had a lot in common.

Not wanting to cling onto the subject I asked Brianna how she was doing, to which she chuckled and shrugged, I could tell there was something she wasn't saying but hey, who was I to snoop around?

Brianna's phone buzzed in her hand as I watched her roll her eyes.

"Looks like going home early." Her word left fear coursing through me, she was leaving me alone on my second day?!

It was selfish of me but honestly what pucks happen whilst she was gone? Nothing my change in mood she tried to lighten the mood.

"Already so dependent on me yeah?" Giggling softly I gave her a hug and bid her goodbye not bothering to ask her what was going on.

The halls were pretty much clearing up now and I wasn't looking where I was going seeing as my phone lit up with a text from Damian, that's when I bumped into something solid like.

"I'm so sorry." Looking up I was surprised to see those green eyes that had stated into mine yesterday.

A smirk formed on his lips as people looked over to us, it was weird I had never gotten this much attention, seriously people were acting as if he was some big celebrity.

"I think you should pay more attention to your surroundings." My eyes widened at his voice, it was deep and husky with a clear British accent.

At first I stammered before I realized what he had said, did he just tell me that I needed to pay more attention? It was like he was masking the words, 'watch where you're going' I mean he could've just said that.

People were staring at me sympathetically and I didn't get why, "Not my fault you were just standing here." His eyes darkened and I felt like running. How could someone's demeanor go from smirking and confident to dark and intimidating in less than a slept second?

"Wanna say it again?" Not showing my fear I slowly gulped, "It wasn't my fault, you were just standing there." A dark chuckle was heard before I was being pressed against a locker, momentarily I thought he was going to hit me but I felt his breathe hit my neck.

His mouth was right below my ear and he pressed his lips against the skin there before he whispered into my ear, "Do I scare you?"

"N-No." I knew I had given myself away just by stuttering but right now all I wanted was to be released from his grip.

Suddenly his mouth was on my neck sucking and nibbling causing me to gasp, along with some other people that were still here.

"I know I scare you." Pulling away he admired the mark on my neck before whispering one last time to me.

"You're mine." And with that he swiftly walked away with people scurrying to get to class before either sending me a glare or a sympathetic smile.


The rest of the day was uneventful and I was just glad my mom had to pick up Cory, my little brother, so I could walk home and avoid any questions of the love bite on my neck.

And when I walked inside of the house and into the living room a sequel left my mouth and I ran up to my brother hugging him tightly.

I made sure my hair was covering my neck and I knew I hadn't seen him for only a few days but hey, we weren't normal and had a strong bond that other siblings didn't tend to have.

We didn't fight too many times but when we did it was over nonsense that we ended up laughing about within the next hour.

"I've missed you." A chuckle left him mouth and he shook his head. My dad and mom left the room, probably do I could tell him about the school I was going to.

And that's how the rest of the day went, with us simply just talking over and over. But there was a moment where we were in my room and I had forgotten about the mark on my neck and through my hair into a messy bun causing him to gain view of it.

"Who the fuck gave you that?!" When it came to us two we were very protective of each other, even if he was younger than me. I thought about warning him about his language, I didn't even swear! But knowing him it was no use.

"Oh um, can we not talk about it?" Knowing that it could damper the mood he nodded, but I knew I'd have to tell him sooner or later.

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